View Full Version : Staying positive after Iowa.

01-03-2008, 11:56 PM
I hope everyone stops and thinks back on how much incredible progress has been made so far with our campaign. I would have loved to have seen a 3rd place finish tonight. We came extraordinarily close to achieving that. But while I'm wishing, I may as well wish we had come in 1st. Or how about wishing that we already had a constitutional government, surging economy, excellent education, and an informed constituency!

The truth is, our campaign is advocating fundamental change in the role of government in society. You can't seriously expect everyone to just jump on board overnight. The progress made in 2007 has been staggering. It has been possible only through hard work. Any future progress will come only from more hard work. Why is it so hard? People feel impotent in the face of established practices, and often times just don't care to be informed. The only way to reach out is by being positive. Which should be easy considering the fantastic message/candidate we have! We are so lucky!

This truly is just the beginning. 49 more primaries to go. NH in 4 short days. We have work to do!