View Full Version : How could 60,000 Iowans be so stupid?

01-03-2008, 09:56 PM
Inspiration for this title is taken from the British tabloid that asked the question,

"How could 74 million Americans be so stupid?" after Bush's ersatz win in 2004.

I can't believe Thompson and McCain's numbers. Or Huck or Romney for that matter.

What are these people thinking? Answer: not much.

01-03-2008, 10:06 PM
I understand your frustration- The turnout where i Caucused was much bigger than anyone had ever seen. I think the reality is we DID get our people out to vote, but so did THEY. Lots of Huck vs McCain vs Romney vs Thompson, but it also brought out all the older voters. Most had never heard of Paul. I got to give a bit of a speech and recieved a very very positive response, and it helped me to become a delegate. People came up to me afterwards asking questions about Paul. I know, i know- to late to matter much, but it just goes to show we CAN win in other states, with more open minded electrate. Huckabee's win will only scare republicans.

01-03-2008, 10:07 PM
By the way, you are a hero to me, for your contribution to this campaign.

01-03-2008, 10:08 PM
Their brains were more than likely controlled by a "CENTRAL TABULATION COMPUTER" , but I should be quiet because people on here are getting mad at me for pointing out total flaws in Iowa's election process.


"In either case, at the end it all goes into a black hole. Party officials dial a result into a cell phone, which goes we don't know where, following a telecommunications routing that is unspecified, and is totalled up in a central tabulation program made by a vendor no one knows the name of, programmed by we don't know who, and voila! The result is announced."

Inspiration for this title is taken from the British tabloid that asked the question,

"How could 74 million Americans be so stupid?" after Bush's ersatz win in 2004.

I can't believe Thompson and McCain's numbers. Or Huck or Romney for that matter.

What are these people thinking? Answer: not much.

01-03-2008, 10:09 PM
Driftar -- you're a hero as well, for speaking out for Ron Paul. It's amazing that anyone hadn't heard of Ron Paul, since we wrote to just about everyone in Iowa.

01-03-2008, 10:10 PM
The real question is why we only had 10,000 votes of 3million people (0.33% votes for Paul)

This means MANY supporters DID NOT vote. These people are our problem. We counted on them.

Ninja Homer
01-03-2008, 10:14 PM
Inspiration for this title is taken from the British tabloid that asked the question,

"How could 74 million Americans be so stupid?" after Bush's ersatz win in 2004.

I can't believe Thompson and McCain's numbers. Or Huck or Romney for that matter.

What are these people thinking? Answer: not much.

A lot of smart young Iowans get the hell out of Iowa as soon as they can.

01-03-2008, 10:16 PM
1) I completely agree with the election process being flawed. When i was leaving, it was a romney supporter dialing the results in on his cell phone. He asked us to leave cause we were making too much noice. Really odd. And recording the votes by hand? It's a bit bizzare. I have little problem with the idea of a caucus, but counting the votes must be done differently.

2)Thanks... I did try... this was the first time i ever cared about an election, and voted in a primary. I should have devoted more time, and not sat on the fence so long (i started supporting Paul a few months ago and became hardcore only a few weeks ago). I felt really good walking out of that room though, because even though we didnt come in first in my district, i made a positive impression, and the other paul supporters did great- giving little testonomials to all the confused neocons.

3) the letter writing campaign and phone call campaigns were wonderful- everyone did an amazing job- i',m convinced of that. But the main stream media didn't isnt giving him a fair shake (and other canidates as well). We're fighting the system- we still are. It's an uphill fight. In a state like Iowa, everything is against you- ignorance, acceptence of the status quo, reliance on the federal goverment, and accepting the spoon fed media hype of the "front runners".

We have to keep fighting though. I live on the border of illinious, and will help the meetup groups there for what its worth. Also, i will keep donating. And caucusing has made me really wonder if i should run for office...

01-03-2008, 10:19 PM
these people are very ignorant. this is the problem with democracy. lack of education. u see this in all democratic countries and its really disheartening.
however a lot of the people are also just stubborn and not very intelligent at all. i dont see how giving importance to religion means you have to vote for huckabee. all the candidates are christians after all so you cant differentiate in terms of religion at all.
all these old people are being duped into supporting huckabee by the church and its maddenning. its like you cant be a religious person or go to heaven unless u vote for huckabee. its very very sad.

01-03-2008, 10:19 PM
Sadly, most of them have never heard Ron Paul's message. They are thinking what the media has told them to think.

In my state, a Super Tuesday state, not one in ten has heard of Ron Paul and not one in fifty can name one of his positions. I have not seen one Ron Paul commercial, seen one flier, or one ad in the paper. I see hundreds of Ron Paul Revolution signs all over.

I spoke to a person yesterday who saw one of my bumper stickers and said, oh, great, maybe you can tell me what the Ron Paul revolution is. How sad is that? We are one month from the election and I can't get my meetup group to put up one sign that says he is running for President. Instead, they use signs that say Ron Paul Pro Gun. Ron Paul Pro Life. Helpful, real helpful.

How about Ron Paul for President - learn more at xxx.

And the campaign? Ron Paul - hope for America? People don't even know he is running for President. Don't you think you ought to tell them that first?

Mr. Lepard, what you have done is wonderful. Sadly, the campaign has not followed your lead and instead is going after the traditional Republican voter and they will lose badly to Huckabee if they lead with abortion and religion. It is time to fire the entire staff, hire people who know what they are doing and move forward. If he continues with the staff he has now, spending the least and getting the least, he will never win a state.

01-03-2008, 10:21 PM
no one in New Hampshire will care what Iowans have done, Paul goes there with a solid platform and a big scalp in Guiliani along with all the buzz of being excluded from the Fox debate and HIS response to it (which I hope will be to buy an hour on television before it and advertise it in the Union leader and all the other smaller papers)

Scott Wilson
01-03-2008, 10:22 PM
Sadly, most of them have never heard Ron Paul's message. They are thinking what the media has told them to think.

In my state, a Super Tuesday state, not one in ten has heard of Ron Paul and not one in fifty can name one of his positions. I have not seen one Ron Paul commercial, seen one flier, or one ad in the paper. I see hundreds of Ron Paul Revolution signs all over.

I spoke to a person yesterday who saw one of my bumper stickers and said, oh, great, maybe you can tell me what the Ron Paul revolution is. How sad is that? We are one month from the election and I can't get my meetup group to put up one sign that says he is running for President. Instead, they use signs that say Ron Paul Pro Gun. Ron Paul Pro Life. Helpful, real helpful.

How about Ron Paul for President - learn more at xxx.

And the campaign? Ron Paul - hope for America? People don't even know he is running for President. Don't you think you ought to tell them that first?

Mr. Lepard, what you have done is wonderful. Sadly, the campaign has not followed your lead and instead is going after the traditional Republican voter and they will lose badly to Huckabee if they lead with abortion and religion. It is time to fire the entire staff, hire people who know what they are doing and move forward. If he continues with the staff he has now, spending the least and getting the least, he will never win a state.

And that is why it is up to you to do those things which are lacking in your state.

Sign up to be a precinct captain.


01-03-2008, 10:26 PM
i dont blame the campaign at all. its the media that doesn't give us a chance in the first place. and in the second place the people (republicans who happen to be mostly neocons) who are ignorant and spiteful enough to think that america can keep going this way forever. i also blame the apathetic who dont know how dire the situation is

01-03-2008, 10:27 PM
The real question is why we only had 10,000 votes of 3million people (0.33% votes for Paul)

This means MANY supporters DID NOT vote. These people are our problem. We counted on them.

I really do think it's fraud. There's no way Paul got just 10,000 votes. It's simply not possible.

01-03-2008, 10:32 PM
People who votes on face value live in caves. As simple as that. Seeing a first world country's citizens getting that easily brainwashed is SAD.

01-03-2008, 10:34 PM

01-03-2008, 10:38 PM
stupid ! I think not !

uninformed and misguided by the cooperate media.

And have not heard the ron paul message

01-03-2008, 10:49 PM
First thought.. Inbreeding?


01-03-2008, 10:51 PM
Don't think they have been enlightened.
Those country folk don't really know what youtube is.

It's as simple as that.

The message MUST get out.

The problem is that the campaign apparently doesn't want to help to get the message out.

01-03-2008, 10:54 PM
Why don't we buy up freaking "infomercial" space is beyond me.

We have hoards of cash and an extremely powerfully message.

I mean, you put "Stop Dreaming" running 24/7 you are bound to get more people.

01-04-2008, 08:21 PM
If the campaign took their 20 million dollars, and just ran newspaper articles across the country like the one Lepard wrote, we'd probably be in a better position.

Iowa is a strange state, and its scary that Huckabee got so much support.

What scares me the most, is that if Huckabee wins the primary, the republican party will have nominated a economic populist as president. In such a case the Democrats and Republicans will both have economic populists running.

The republicans will have both a socially conservative and economically liberal candidate running, also known as a Statist, while the democrats will have a socially and economically liberal candidate running.

Seeing as I am socially liberal yet economically conservative (aka a libertarian) this is very worrisome for me.

I could care less about the color of someone's skin, their religious views, or what they choose to do in the privacy of their own homes. At the same time, I passionately believe in private property and free markets, and I believe that history has shown us that almost all "passionate" government run programs to help those in need are wasteful, ineffective; they are all colossal failures. These social programs are inherently this way, the problems cannot be fixed with more government because government is the problem, not the solution. Governments are inherently wasteful and thus they should be trusted with as little of our money as possible.

Therefore, if both the democratic and republican candidates are both economic populist, I will be very worried. Not because I question their kindness, sincerity, or generosity, but because I question their intelligence and respect for history. If they had any respect for history, they would know that in no other time did the life of the common man improve as much as it did than in the 19th century in the USA. Why? Because free markets work. That's not to say the government has no role, their role is to protect liberty.

If the government really wanted to help people, they would step back and let the free markets work, stop subsidizing big corporations, stop bailing them out, and lower taxes for every citizen. However, I don't think its politically popular for candidates to say that "the people and not the government are the only ones who can solve our problems." And because politicians want to keep getting re-elected, they will say what the people want to hear, while writing laws that in reality do the exact opposite.

It is terrifying to me that the average person in Iowa does not know this and is so easily fooled and manipulated. This also applies to the fact that they even believe Huckabee and his bullshit, because for almost everything he says, his record shows the exact opposite. But it doesn't matter because apparently the people of Iowa are "good judges of character" and take this clown at his word without looking into his true record.