View Full Version : World Wide Revolution

01-02-2008, 04:26 PM
I was 16 when I first called myself libertarian. It was right after my high school economics teacher first called me an extreme right winger, to which I said, "but I'm not racist and don't believe in large wars" then he called me an anarchist to which I said "but I like the police and the courts, I just don't like any of my money funding housing projects or welfare" so he called me a extreme conservative to which I said "I don't want family values or a war on drugs as part of the government" so he said "then what are you?" to which I replied "let me check on the Internet"

When I finally found what I was and said it, not one person had heard it before. Not the teacher not the students. Nobody. It wasn't till I was 18 at a party when someone asked me what my political beliefs were and I said "I'm a libertarian" and another person in earshot said "SO AM I!!"

In the past 5 years I have noticed a trend that more and more people not only know what I am talking about when I say that but are calling themselves the same thing. So much so that while in Quebec visiting family I found that most of the people here actually know what libertarian means. Whats more is that many of them call themselves libertarians. In the most socialist province or state in all of North America, libertarianism is gaining traction. The favoured song among young people is dégénération (http://durendal.wordpress.com/2007/03/22/mes-aieux-degeneration/) a sign that the socialism brought in decades past is unwanted and failing.

My German cousins, while visiting, all said they were libertarians and that their version of the libertarian party had just one seat short of forming the coalition government with the CDU.

Same with my friends family that was visiting from Italy.

All over the world people that have Internet access are realising that their teachers were brainwashed by the left media and that world wide the more capitalist the country the richer the country.

And now I sit in 2008 watching Ron Paul's support grow day by day, so much so that he actually has a fighting chance of winning. This is a far far cry from six years ago sitting in a high school class surrounded by bleeding heart liberals and drug war mongering conservatives. I am sure that in my life time there will be a R. Paul in the white house. If not a Ron, perhaps a Rand.