View Full Version : Get Ron talking about monetary policy again.

Ben Elliott
01-02-2008, 02:45 AM
I don't know about you, but the most significant inspiration for me to support Ron Paul came from his discussion of monetary policy. His recent ventures on the news left him somewhat defensive. He couldn't talk about the things he truly believed in.

I was watching Avaroth's, "Ron Paul: House of Cards," and it sparked that excitement I once had.

h ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaxdUPNYj2s&NR=1

We all know that our monetary policy is the biggest issue in our life time. If our debt increases at the rate it is going this country will go into a depression. That's the most revolutionary thing about Ron Paul. He's a student of Austrian Economics. He knows this stuff.

So I just wanted to send out a message to this Grassroots Advisors Comitee Group thing. And see if you guys could suggest to Ron Paul a possible emphasis on monetary policy over the next few debates. Just to give us a signal that the good Doctor supports the Grassroots.

01-02-2008, 02:48 AM
I said the same thing recently, in a thread about monetary policy being hard
to find on the new issues page: ie
I didn't get to continue the conversation though because of a large number
of trolls/yes-ers that invaded it.

Should stick with what works.

Ben Elliott
01-02-2008, 03:23 AM
I think that's the biggest draw by young people. He could get them coming in droves.

01-02-2008, 03:45 AM
Just watched Money Masters.

I don't want RP talking about his plans until he has at least _some_ secret service protection. :/

01-02-2008, 04:12 AM
All he has to do is say that the Federal Reserve is not the government; they are a bunch of private bankers. They print money, loan it to the government and pocket the interest. The total amount of our income tax paid last year was less then the interest paid to them.* Basically, you the people are working for months out of the year just so all of that money can be put into the pockets of corrupt bankers. They are stealing from you, and it must end. I'm the guy who will shut down the federal reserve, who will end the IRS's tyranny, and will kick the corrupt bankers out on their fat asses!!

*Not sure if those numbers are still correct, heard Regean mention it in an ad from 1980, so I'm guessing the interest paid would probably be higher today than the income tax brought in.

*Could also include a few things about how many months out of the year you have to work just to pay the IRS before you start making anything. I've heard July, dunno if that's inclusive of all taxes, or just income tax.

In essence the government should print their own damn money instead of turning us all into slaves for a few months out of the year just to make a rich fat cow even richer. As several presidents have said, if the people knew the crap the bankers were up to, there would be a revolution in the street the next day.

Edit: Found one of the quotes; by Andrew Jackson, just after he vetoed the bank's renewal charter.
"The bank is trying to kill me - but I will kill it. If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning."
(And that was back before it had gotten really ugly, a.k.a. pre 1913 fed.)

Ben Elliott
01-02-2008, 01:09 PM

01-02-2008, 01:41 PM
i completely agree