View Full Version : RON PAUL AWAKENS THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA - Little Red Dot Warnings

01-01-2008, 03:06 AM
Many email responses to the article --->

Are The Globalists Out To Get Ron Paul?


are here: --->



Good and interesting read - see what people are saying about "power that be" threats to Ron

(The first - many more at link)

1, I am 66, honorably discharged, and I concur with your assessment of what would happen if we move to assassination politics at this time.

Dr. Paul has awakened the American Spirit of Liberty in all age groups across the nation.

Many people would start voting with the little red dot.

That is the one reason for the move in congress to remove the right for returning soldiers and marines to own weapons using battle fatigue as their lever.

Thanks to the Internet these men and women now know that it is their own government who poisoned them through the use of depleted DU munitions in Iraq and in Afghanistan and in Bosnia.

Thanks to the Internet they now know our president lied about the reasons for Gulf War 2 like his father lied in Gulf War 1.

I believe all the politicians and their handlers have reason to fear the little red dot in the hands of a man or woman who has been terminally infected with DU.

This is one reason so many senior congress critters have and are resigning.

They fear being held accountable by angry, hungry, unemployed black and white Americans who want our borders closed, and the illegals removed.