View Full Version : Sending letters

07-13-2007, 08:56 AM
Besides email and talking to people, I have started sending letters to everyone in my address book. It gives them the chance to read it and not feel any presure.

I include my cover letter, the issues statement print from Ron Pauls web site, and a 3 step outline on what to do if you feel he is the best choice.

Cover letter:

My fellow American,

I am sure you are all aware of the problems this country is facing today. From our soldiers being killed and wounded in overseas conflicts, increasing tax burdens, illegal immigration, to the trillion dollar national debt.

It would seem there is little the average person could do to change the course.

The solution is the same today as it was once before in this countries history, the need for a drastic departure from the way our government operates. Our federal government needs to return to the form that our founding fathers intended. That is a government of the Constitution, a limited federal government, based on non intervention and free trade with other nations. A government that does not step out of line with the will of the people.

I urge you to please take a few minutes, think of the issues at hand and help make a difference. This is even more so important if you have children. Please do not let us pass on a legacy of war and debt to the future.
We can not just continue going about our daily lives and hope others will solve the counties problems, we the people need to get involved.

Some of you may feel it is still early and you have time, but you do not. The front running candidates are talking the same old talk and we will get the same old results. Ron Paul is talking different, and different results will happen.
We CAN do this, and we MUST.

Thank You.
Edward Burrell

Three step outline:

1. Register Republican by Aug. 25th in NY to vote in primary election for the nomination.

2. Know the issues and Ron Pauls stance on them. Email, call, talk to everyone you know about the issues.

3. Join a local meet up group and become involved in the campaign.