View Full Version : Fair and Balanced FOX Media Day Stock Dump

12-30-2007, 05:01 PM
Maybe we all should seriously look at our stock, bond, and 401K mutual fund portfolios and see if we either directly or indirectly own any Murdock owned companies and their advertisers on Fox News. Then we pick a day to dump all of these stock portfolios all at once to send a financial message to the big media and their sponsors that we won't take any more meddling in this election by them.

1/7 - In 1789 Electoral College was voted into existence (Good day to do it!!!)

Then we pick another day to include other anti-Ron Paul media organizations like CBS and the lot.

Just a thought, don't get mad, get even with Fox. Boycott Fox News and their Advertisers.

12-30-2007, 05:41 PM
This isn't really meant to you specifically, but just in general. Things like this are not going to hurt Rupert Murdoch, or bend him into submission, or even make him think that maybe he should be some type of fair person.

We already know that other news outlets will never mention it. Seriously, Paul called FOX war propagandists. I thought that was pretty major. Let's say that Romney or Huckabee said that. Would it be some big ass news? Yes. It should have been news that Paul is being excluded and that he said that. Was it picked up? NO.

So, if anyone wants to convince me that we can "teach Rupert a lesson," then you should be telling us how it makes an impact. I simply don't believe it does make an impact. He's too big. Private holdings that affect him are small.

I'm not saying we do nothing. I'm saying do this stuff if you like, but I don't see a demonstrable benefit. I do see benefits for doing all of the things that make us think Paul is worthy in the first place. That's what has overcome this thus far... not letting them think they're the most important thing. They aren't the most important thing. We're not going to get help from other networks. We have to do this ourselves, person by person.

12-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Eloquently said, although I think divesting of Fox stock and sponsors should be part of a package of actions that taken together, say what you are saying. You're talking about full disinvestment from the old line media establishment, not just proceeding with the proposed Fox protest actions. WE SHOULD BE REPLACING MASS TRUST IN THE FOX, CNN, NY TIMES, WASH POST, CBSNBCABC REGIME, not just complaining about spot outrages conducted by each one week to week.

OUR new 'mainstream media' should be LewRockwell.com, Whatreallyhappened.com, prisonplanet.com and the like, or any similar outlet proven by the interactive 'meritocracy' that is the internet. The 'impact' intended by boycotts and stock dumps should be one of communicating that "this is our Bastille Day," Yorktown or Tea Party moment, the tipping point where we actively toss over the old elite. On with the Revolution!

12-31-2007, 01:33 AM
Agreed. I've been using independent media for some time now. Can't trust the MSM.

I doubt if any of the few stock holders we have could make a dent in the huge News Corp.

01-01-2008, 10:21 PM
I saw this being discussed on another thread.

I am retired and not rich here-limited income. Still, I need tomorrow to call my broker to help me rearrange my portfolio to do this and still have a monthly income. I was already looking into other ideas anyway. I think I have some Janus fund and some of the others.

I tried to do gold and silver, but cannot keep monthly income that way. Lots of questions here about what I should do.

Whatever it is, I will agree to schedule it for the 7th if that is what all agree to do.

Question here...

I saw that Murdoch himself dumped/traded a bunch of NWS and several smaller market FOX stations recently, probably to help him buy out WSJ. He still has plenty I am sure and New Hampshire did not appear to be one of the FOX outlets he eliminated (if he owned it).

So, really how will this move on our part affect things? Only if combined with the sponsors boycott and done all on same day????

By the way, online traders think Ron Paul supporters number about six people who own ten shares of stock. :)

01-01-2008, 11:27 PM
here are some other news sites to check out:


01-01-2008, 11:53 PM
hurt the stock? It just changes ownership. You might even be taking a capital loss - money that would better be spent elsewhere.

A boycott of advertisers works by denying revenue to News Korp.

The news dump idea makes as much sense to me as the effort to hurt the oil companies by refusing to by gas on a particular day of the week.

If I am missing something, please let me know.

01-02-2008, 01:47 AM
Thanks Laja for your links.

Just saw our New Zealand national television news talk about the Iowa build-up.
He talked about Obama leading and then focused on Huckabee crooning on his guitar. I would have much preferred to have seen Dr Paul brandishing his Constitution instead! Never mind.

Our correspondent (yes a kiwi is there somewhere) and his news network is about to receive a broadside from me for his shallow journalism. (A polite broadside of course!)