View Full Version : The Penny-Arcade Thread

12-30-2007, 07:25 AM
If any of you are familiar with Penny-Arcade it's a VERY popular computer gaming site. They have a section for "Debate and Discourse" discussion and the threads over there are very political.

I made an account a couple weeks ago (I've been reading the comics for years) and after lurking I decided to jump in. Some intel:

1) This is the most statist group of young people I've ever seen not affiliated with a typical political site like the dailykos or freerepublic. They absolutely love Obama and Huckabee.
2) They hate Ron Paul, his supporters even more and most especially Ron Paul supporters who post on their forums.

If this was some kind of political site I wouldn't bother but the reality is these people are "normal" people interested in politics and the disinformation they are spreading about Paul is really discouraging. People reading those threads might not know better and I've taken it upon myself to set the record straight.


Some gems, note they are all from different posters:

Oh, and we're not impressed by the tired libertarian dogma. If you don't think you benefit from government, then you're blind.

Ron Paul is such an expert on charity that he refuses to donate the money that he received from known white supremacists. Not only would that be a charitable act, but it would also have the added benefit of not associating him with a white supremacist.

Because in a Libertarian's mind, the order of importance of things in the Constitution goes like this:

1) Second Amendment
2) Tenth Amendment
3) Everything else.

Why should I or anyone else assume that the guy who wants to dismantle the IRS and FDA and issue letters of marque is remotely pragmatic? What has he done to earn the benefit of my doubt?

I really want to see the republicans mention the Ron Paul blimp somewhere in the next debate.

Then everyone will laugh at Ron Paul's expense, and the spambots will claim that it's another media conspiracy.

I'm sharing this because I'd like some help over there but I want to lay down some suggestions before everyone goes and spams their forums.

1) Don't start any new threads. There are plenty of existing threads on politics only post in those.

2) Do not violate the TOS. Numerous previous supporters have apparently been banned and they view us as obnoxious. I'm trying to dispel this notion so please be courteous and calm and don't flip out by typing FREEDOM in all caps every other post.

3) Don't otherwise be an idiot. A lot of these people are pretty smart and know their stuff but are ignorant about concepts like state's rights vs. constitutional limitations or what the role of the federal government should actually be. Let's explain to them what the benefits are and why it's better than the alternatives.

4) They will call you out on your new account creation and posting so keep this in mind and tread very softly early on. They hate outsiders.

5) They are already brainwashed with a lot of liberal tripe. Keep in mind it's very hostile but we can help share information about smaller government ideals and why it is good for a lot of people over there who are still making up their minds.

I'm trying my best to hold my own over there and I think I'm doing ok but I literally feel like I'm the only person over there who supports Paul. It's downright depressing and I could use the backup. Anyone up for the challenge?


12-30-2007, 09:08 AM
Suggestion: write letters to Michigan undecideds instead.

You will likely not be able to change the Penny Arcade peoples' minds one iota - they're clearly on the hate bandwagon and it's hard to get off.

Edit: sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but it's true. There's an article in the news forum here with a topic about how "forum writing will not get Ron into office." It couldn't be more correct, especially when you're dealing with people like whom you've encountered.

The letter writing campaign is much much, more important. It's almost like going door-to-door with the added benefit that you may be introducing Ron to them for the first time.