View Full Version : Tough choices remain for anti-Bush conservatives

07-12-2007, 03:08 AM

What's a conservative who does not like President Bush or support the war supposed to do? Vote Democratic?

Apparently someone who is conservative — for small government and fiscal responsibility and against debt-racking social programs — should suddenly vote for a Democrat because they don't approve of a president who has done nothing but expand the power of federal government, cut taxes for the superwealthy, and help guide our country deep into debt with no thanks to a horribly mismanaged "war on terrorism."

On the Democratic side all there is a superficial criticism of the war and the promise of a universal health care we couldn't even hope to afford.

How is that a logical choice for a conservative who simply disapproves of this president?

Then there's the Republican side and the same promises of war and more war with all the money we don't really have but that China is willing to lend. ... But on the Republican side there's one exception to this.

There is a man who wants to end our dependency on nations like China along with the IRS and its waste, to bring our troops home to secure our borders and return more power to the states — like the Constitution intended!

Furthermore, this man's campaign is financed almost entirely by individuals, ... which means his actions in office would be guided by convictions rather than favors owed.

This man is a 10-term congressman and physician who earned the name "Dr. No" for never once voting to raise taxes.

... This man's name is Ron Paul. His chances are slim because media coverage is placed heavily on the faux-conservative cash cow that is Rudy McRomney.

In place of a multimillion dollar campaign, all Paul has is a consistent voting record that reflects a genuine concern for his country and people who appreciate that concern.