View Full Version : he is the right choice

07-11-2007, 08:47 PM
Should Ron Paul find himself in the White House, he will have to do one thing for sure....... very soon (at least in my opinion).

Unfortunately, to most Americans "perception" is reality. At the last debate, thanks to people like Rudy and the media, Ron was portrayed to be weak on terror because he simply said we need to look at ourselves for some of the reasons we were attacked on 9/11 and why we are so hated in the world. he's dead on with his reasoning, but now the perception is that he's weak and would appease the terrorists should he win office.

at the next debate that he's at, if he should take the time to convey loudly and "crystal clear" that if the terrorists think he's weak just because he wants us out of meddling with other countries...........they better think again. he needs to convey to the American people that if the terrorists so much as sneeze on our soil, that he will come after them with a sledgehammer. and unlike bush, actually go after the countries that harbor them too. bush said it......but he really didn't mean it. (Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. etc.)

if Ron can convince Americans that he's tough on terrorism, he will win over the fenceposters that are swallowing the "perception" he's not! all his other ideas are resonating with most Americans. i think he would see a big jump in support if he does this.

07-12-2007, 09:11 AM
"if Ron can convince Americans that he's tough on terrorism, he will win over the fenceposters that are swallowing the "perception" he's not! all his other ideas are resonating with most Americans. i think he would see a big jump in support if he does this."

I agree. I find it extremely frustrating that he does not do this. This and making it abundantly clear just how he would stop the illegal alien invasion of our country.