View Full Version : Alea Iacta Est my friends.

12-29-2007, 12:12 AM
The dye has been cast. Either we win here with ballots or our children will have to win it with bullets. Ron Paul is the last hope of the Republic.

I say Rise up, rise up! Rise up, America! Stand up, you men! Stand up, you free men! We're gonna charge them. We're gonna charge to the ballot boxes! We're gonna drive them outta Washington! And remember, when you charge the ballot boxes, yell like furies!

I will cast my lot with my state. Every state has a primal claim to the fealty of her citizens and they justly control their allegiance. If South Carolina adheres to the United States, I adhere. Her determination must control mine. This is my understanding of patriotism, and though I love the the United States, I love South Carolina more.