View Full Version : Question: School Tax for people who have no kids?

12-28-2007, 01:18 PM
What's Ron Paul's stance on School tax for people who have no children?

If you have no kids, do you still have to pay school taxes?

...and the source to show my friend.

12-28-2007, 01:23 PM
It is my understanding that Congressman Paul's position as a candidate for federal office is that the federal government has no Constitutional authority to fund, control, or regulate education at any level.

However, he has also said that the people can still choose to make available - or not make available - public education through the state and local levels. This is outside his purview as a candidate for federal office.

Maybe google Ron Paul and Public Education.

But most likely the taxes your friend is curious about are at the state and local level, which Congressman Paul has no influence over as a candidate for federal office.

12-28-2007, 01:23 PM
His voting record pretty much shows that he doesn't vote for putting more money into the Department of Education. He wants it gone at the federal level, however, this does not mean the state isn't allowed to pick this up and support public schools.


12-28-2007, 01:29 PM
A community should pay property taxes to keep schools running. Having good schools in your community increases property value of your home, so it is a good trade off even if you have no children.

Federal government should stay out of it.

EDIT....on top of that, we are taxed so badly already at a federal level that people are voting down local levies to fund schools left and right...local schools would be better funded and in better shape if the federal government was out of it, and would quit taxing the ^%$# out of us so we can start funding our own communities better.

12-28-2007, 01:32 PM
property taxes fund schools, right?

what happens when you have a community full of large homes with multiple families (illegal immigrants) with 10-15 kids per house going to the public school district and only paying ONE property tax?

this happens to be an issue around here.

12-28-2007, 03:17 PM
property taxes fund schools, right?

what happens when you have a community full of large homes with multiple families (illegal immigrants) with 10-15 kids per house going to the public school district and only paying ONE property tax?

this happens to be an issue around here.

same here.

Pretty sure rp is against property taxes, but he dorsnt have authority over the states.

12-28-2007, 03:26 PM
You should know Ron Paul doesn't believe in stealing money from you to be given to somebody else.


12-28-2007, 03:31 PM
i'm in highschool and can tell you with great confidence i have NEVER heard my teachers say anything good about no child left behind or the department of education. In fact, they say how much they hate it all the time.
Also, with all the standardized testing now, that goes on for a whole week all day, half the kids don't even take the tests anymore. It just doesn't work.

I don't know the specifics on how ron would encourage states to fund schools, but i know keeping it out of the feds hands is a great idea.

12-28-2007, 03:35 PM
what happens when you have a community full of large homes with multiple families (illegal immigrants) with 10-15 kids per house going to the public school district and only paying ONE property tax?

then you vote for Ron Paul who doesn't believe in giving illegals freebies at our expense.

12-28-2007, 03:39 PM
then you vote for Ron Paul who doesn't believe in giving illegals freebies at our expense.

sounds good to me!

and i agree about testing... i graduated in 99, and even back then - the entire focus of everything was on the standardized tests... there was such a tight schedule and focus on the tests, that we had to breeze through everything else. sometimes you really need to know more about things than just the answers that are expected of you, you know?

12-28-2007, 03:48 PM
A community should pay property taxes to keep schools running. Having good schools in your community increases property value of your home, so it is a good trade off even if you have no children.

Having good schools does help home values but having high property taxes has very little to do with having good schools. That's a bad connection to make.

If one looks at simular towns with simular houses and school ratings, the houses in the towns with lower property taxes will sell for MUCH more and MUCH faster.

Take a look a NH where race does not come into play at all and this can be seen very clearly in its housing market. You will often find really really nice houses for $225 but have property taxes of $6K+ sitting on the market for over a year, while much smaller homes with property taxes of $2.5K selling for $300K and selling rather quickly.

The area around littleton, NH for example has low property taxes and that area is booming and housing prices are increasing while other areas with high property taxes are stale and home prices are dropping. This is a cycle which is very difficult to reverse and the homes in towns with high property taxes will continue to drop in price for years to come

12-28-2007, 03:52 PM
My kids are in a local private school. They are spending just over half as much per pupil compared to the local public schools. I am paying their tuition, and I am paying property taxes to fund the schooling of my neighbor's children.

This does not make me happy.

12-28-2007, 03:54 PM
What's Ron Paul's stance on School tax for people who have no children?

If you have no kids, do you still have to pay school taxes?

...and the source to show my friend.

Ron Paul wants to get rid of the Department of Education and leave education funding up to the states. So, all the school tax that he would have any say in as President he would eliminate for everyone. Most school funding, though, happens at the state and/or local level, and he wouldn't have any control over that.

12-28-2007, 03:58 PM
I have an amazing idea of how education can be provided!

We get people who know things and we give them money so that they teach our kids. Depending on our own wants and desires we choose what person or organization teaches our kids. This amazing system would be funded by some kind of mutually agreed upon exchange of goods and services or some kind of medium of exchange.... Possibly some kind of paper backed by some kind of shiny metal.

I have no idea if this system works for anything else or if it has ever been done before. But it sure sounds like an interesting idea....