View Full Version : Could we organize a petition to stop the use of Diebold machines?

12-28-2007, 01:54 AM
We need to get them banned throughout all of Ohio.

01-02-2008, 11:04 PM
We need to get them banned throughout all of Ohio.

This is already underway... no petitions needed, but whether or not they're ready by March? Who knows. Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner is actually encouraging people to vote absentee. They are scrapping the touch screen machines, but she says they don't think the opti scan will be available in all counties by the March primaries. There's even talk of forcing local BOE's to have paper ballots available at all polling locations for folks who refuse to vote on the touch screen machines. But that's just talk still. In Cuyahoga County (Cleveland), they're even sending absentee ballot applications out in the mail.... unrequested. That is a fact. Summit County (Akron) is expecting their numbers for absentee ballots to jump from 35000 in 2006 to over 60000 in 2008 and has requested 4 new machines used to count the absentee ballots to the tune of $368,000. At least this way, I'll have a hard copy of my ballot. I want my vote to count. This may be the best way given the current situation. Plus, now I have lots of free time on March 4th to hang out outside the precincts... 40 feet from the entrance of course... spreading Ron Paul propaganda.
