View Full Version : Ron Paul: Constitutional message of limited government gaining momentum

05-20-2007, 03:01 PM
By Geoff Whittington
Sunday, May 20, 2007

During the last few years American news outlets have been reporting the impact of the US Government at home and abroad. Risking job loss and reprisal whistleblowers and journalists have been sharing a list of revelations: warrantless domestic spying, misinformation as a pretext for an illegal invasion of Iraq, the misuse of Presidential signing statements, the abuse of Habeaus Corpus, a National ID program that threatens privacy, economic bullying of other countries, Guantanamo Bay abuses, torture, growing debt, and a faltering dollar. The list is destined to grow longer because the US Government grows unchecked. Every day this faceless entity clamors for more power and funding. It is not known to what extent this government will stop infringing on the rights of its citizens and the rest of the world. Ironically, though, it is this same mainstream news that must share fault: it does not provide the requisite forum to debate the creeping size of government.

The Constitution is the legal framework for American free society and it provides the rules for the US Government. The Constitution was originally designed as a safeguard from tyrannical governments. However, the aforementioned list provides strong indication that something very close to a tyrannical government is coming soon. Regrettably, it is the law-abiding hard-working citizen who suffers. He is forced to pay more taxes, experience a growing loss of liberty and privacy, faced with a bleak economic future, and is offered no effective platform to debate the political trend. The present situation wouldn't be so gloomy had the US Government simply followed the rules.
