View Full Version : Tories

Captain Shays
12-25-2007, 10:24 AM
During the first revolution, there was a civil war going on as well. While some colonialists were sympathetic to "the cause" considered themselves to be "patriots", others were loyal to the Throne. We called them "Loyalists" or "Tories" the more derogatory indication. Others were apathetic and wanted nothing to do with either side. They just wanted to go about their lives and be left alone believing that if they sided with the Patriots, they would be killed by the British. If they sided with the British they would be hated by the patriots. Many of these just couldn't see that the cause was worth fighting for while others who were uninvolved took the more cowardly approach and stayed out because they didn't think a rag tag poor excuse for an army could defeat the most powerful government and most powerful army in the world, which happened to be their own government. They chose subjugation over liberty and oppression over death. But the patriots said "live free or die" and to them it didn't matter if they died or were maimed for the rest of their lives. They believed in freedom and they knew that they could govern their own lives better than anyone else could. They wanted more for their children and they dreamed of a day when they would have it.

Compared to the total population of the colonies, the numbers of those who fought and won the Revolutionary War were only about one third. The other two thirds were comprised of the cowardly apathetic and the Tories.

Here in New Jersey where more battle were fought than any other place, and where George Washington spent at least half his time, like many other colonies, the Tories and Patriots didn't get along very well. Where pockets of Tories dominated the patriots, they harassed them and sold them out, for a reward of course, to local Redcoat troops who would then exact horrible retribution on the patriot and his entire family, and all of his known friends.
Patriots returned the favor to the Tory and his family though many showed mercy.

Today, in just about every election, the majority of eligible voters doesn't vote, so we see those who are stupid, apathetic, and cowardly believing that nothing they can do will change anything, content to lick the chains of those who tax them and throw them in jail for putting things in their own bodies or smoking plants that God made. They would even be jailed if they grew those plants to make clothes or to heat their homes with.

In the first Revolution, we lived in a feudal system and no one had true rights to his property or what he produced for his own family.
This was considered a form of tyranny and a heavy straw on the back of a camel.
One of the final straws was a tax on tea of 10% which caused a tax revolt and a clear line in the sand.

Today, we are taxed at a rate which is four times higher than feudalism and three times higher than which spurned the Boston Tea Party Revolt, and our rights to our property and that which we produce has been given back to our modern monarchy.

Today, there are "loyalists" who continue to support globalists and warmongerers just as the Brits were who rode on the back of humanity the world over in their exploitations. It was pepper and gold, now its oil and weapons but still the conflicts over trade and dominion rather than love and protection.

These are the things Thomas Paine railed against in the little book that sparked the revolution and put in the mind of so many Americans for the first time of living in a world without successive monarchical rule, tyranny and oppression. Few who joined, fought and died for this revolution had no idea what kind of government would fill the void nor did they have much hope of actually attaining to it. All they knew was that they couldn't go on the way things were.

But as powerful and ominous their enemy was, now many Americans found themselves fighting their neighbor as well.

Had the Tories been right, we can only imagine what would have happened to America. But they were wrong and the patriots were right in their cause.

Those who play along with the current political game, of lies, and supporting those who will continue in the practices of 18th century British rule and who vote for the media Democrats and media Republicans are selling us out just like the original Tories. They would sit back and watch as IRS agents storm their neighbor's place of business, take all his files, freeze all his accounts and shoot him for trying to defend his family.
They say nothing while pregnant women are tased by jack-booted police for going 35 on a 25 and asking why they were being stopped.

They put up no resistance to those who make conscription slaves of their sons to fight in wars that have no legitimate value relative to the home or the country of the son but again, for the sake of trade and dominion.

They cower when they are told they are not allowed to choose the color paint for their own home by the town council member.

They don't resist but instead even support the taking of their money to give to total strangers both in their country and in foreign countries and also support that same robbery and senseless plunder of their friends by the strong hand of the government.

So today if Thomas Paine were alive, and he wrote "Common Sense" he would rail against the Democrats and Republicans instead of the Monarchy for all the same reasons he railed against them the first time. Today about one third of Americans are brave enough, smart enough, dedicated enough to a better way who would join the cause. The difference is that today we don't shoot Redcoats we go into the voting booth and subvert the dominant paradigm.

If that doesn't work, I am prepared to resume shooting redcoats.