View Full Version : 3 MUST HAVE Software Tools For Your Own Personal Revolution Campaigning

12-25-2007, 07:22 AM
1. Download YouTube Vids - Convert to .avi for DivX:



2. Convert to even HD Quality:

Divx player to play it. You can get one here:


Just below the download button there's an offer to get the pro version for free if you put a vid on your webpage:

"Add the DivX Web Player to your website, send us your URL
(and tell us if you are a PC user or Mac user)
and we'll send you a free serial number for DivX Pro ($9.99 value)."

3. Free Web space up to 5 Gigs for online sharing of files to email to your friends and people you're trying to bring to Ron.

If you can get someone's email, send a link to download.


12-25-2007, 09:52 AM
This is good too!


12-25-2007, 10:01 AM
Thanks, Mark!
Merry Christmas!

12-25-2007, 10:04 AM
Thank you so much for these. I was trying for many hours yesterday trying to convert a flv youtube file to wmv to play on my media center. I was going to spend today looking for another converter and here you provided a couple.


12-25-2007, 10:34 AM
Thank you so much for these. I was trying for many hours yesterday trying to convert a flv youtube file to wmv to play on my media center. I was going to spend today looking for another converter and here you provided a couple.


Anytime. I just found them last night. Check out how a HD DivX looks online.

The new "Ron Paul Rising" - it's unreal how clear it looks in the parts that used high quality video.

You can download it by clicking on the little arrow pointing down at the bottom right of the player.

You need the free DivX player to play it at home.


12-25-2007, 12:40 PM
ѠՆ떚谦መ怈焰ࢣ⨢浕邛ꕠ얠痔㄰扷Ĺﯿ摰賩냴乁㦛ခչ求⭥㐀Ѐ버봬㚆ﲍ첖ᨮ졧惌ꖅጚﮡᔷ礇䆢滨 羜☆ऌ鏉蛠綐Ž솫쀄↲᳞饜軕몮᝗瘯魎ᕢ夆Ⱞ꾚귷嶝枯睌﫿ʔĀ嵔殚銋チᢑꞄ洴૎ࠏ螱杂昈쥚ឍ└㞊� ќ幜ꐌ਒窯吝伪⹧銆輘좯끩㈶㻷撎㍵⢃ບ㘆幜ⅹ塞ꋂꜥ㐓橎閺ᶥ겥룲便㒣㊥燶홋㎯㡵ꞹ鯟晏ു﬘굛殹嚳߁勵앱㛀肇 蟏ꏸ︓「颪鐎↝両䭀萠a쨋䯅ېѾ촄隇0〰捤൫똁ᤦ妁ㅘ셏￲샻ᔪ㷸⯸뛅Ό݅쒢铼鸘쭿괅擱洊礪퓅铊 섏ႜļ郡೏兀ி摠자瞛礌뚍Ϧŕ멐썟枱紏糰ƈ壔㇀੤ᄃ᠞뾏냸⨅㆔㳇㌱쓠‗蝒䫃ౝ샇ఔ蓀࿰磱аゆ 뙐䯆ഃ니⑓쉘ꛐ覅社砲ܲ胀吽향붧ꣁ—ὄ?䲺Ų둜存ᦅ剡傥耎ꁘ噈ʬ菕ట憀隂ⶾꁕ愋㚜脏礀㉴脏렀岔⋝橸썪芿翹 뿽じ픫黅﬘⣭艡ޯ讍謌� 埾曱徑怊ᮾ芊Ԙ䠼 塼섁⃰ࠛ԰肗午㠃ɬⳀȟ瀁ࡼ쀅ἰĆॠ怊࡝Ῠ㣱粖ȟ뀁ꁣ回ཛྷ䄸ᥔ㚅䬆몯⨙縈⋍弟ኝ윋ࣺ쑀啾/郡ᯄ輍툀粰 ﹿꯕ숇ᲀȟﰀ慰耂镛�瀲謗轅拸ꃷ䠅⠆툩Ⲯ柁΋爛Ǥ预풱֨饑唍懣䤈쌇ᲀ࿁͐⦸Ʌ⬎༞⠀픂ܫ胃䬜ļ롉ؤܦ胀쁟 郸萄最㶆뒳ཧ⹀ᜥࡼﴄ렌휲蛁쇪庁ᾬO춚檇臁걞ᴜ礪悠ᚳ섲퍢냌ꡛ祣䎹ᔌ둸ļ쩝ㄚ뉠᲋讖ٚꈋ桩ȱ鯞Œ 墂Ἶ烿罹䟥ᔠἯ㔄镊ᙌ쟠䀆痾掸肃쁃Ȩ曀᠅讷夤뙘펀ﮜᛟト耊耪ᯇ奬洆ᤴ䟐հ斘 엷᚞∭ㅘ圃ऍサ∆涡橱컐쏟暡僀甮੎ܐ⏈䈆ㅀ廕Ǖ斐쇪臁걞⼟뿿菕픍ʃ墽弾翿趁ힶ漌样恤耭㠙쀋묭䚆똅憸 ᝠ뢛է聤傦౸桅蚼㪆쩭샓૆ಫ쓂锏圀₀篱ᣞ魀౔鑆䙑စȥ칹뀀৆連橨괶୘靲짂㤆퍰荝怜᷇䭃ᡬۦ焹ჸ褍兂 粐Ԉꇄ刟睠휛劗죠脂₃㓉尞褥༘⁘䈀ঠ蜒狀ચ楬ⅰꄏ蔲쑀ᓠ䄁슓鮚泠簌�胲̋㢀౾륮㛂↸锏脂㹐 O⹾㩴ؙ䵁ቬﬨ葌㴠徕┺ﰗ۠萏ᑸ提ǎઊᣟꁘ茩ꅛ�臟ꮎ胯֮ᄘ脂縬ꂫ쇇햯傪㿪ౖꝷ迋㐅먴ភ簼ʠ钋˸ჂⳲ 룧脰ﱧ욳ֈ揰倊彇⠙蘅窧码ꨅゆ�롒ﵣ惵瀙ᣴ뢂ᣴ낃쌋�랿汆㹸̄⊄Α䃠㸶ࠟᲩꛠ얀屗脏ꠀ᠜ཪ럊 ظ䳁{⒋ؘ⡰퀗ᣰ醌蕫ıﱀꄲȌ蓉悥郸젃䀁쏇⥀䖋邽ୢ۟†ꋐ袂쀲䣃༙ⶀ೏ꧠΟ봑拠䴲阁೾�䎵謬譭䉿ᆘ稃怌㬡 쀕෎鮂�怕䫇ㄸ㪫ꉠ䘖ᡐ虖讆塖顚쮲ઃ㎦̋瑮빻웰꤉�ƚ䩼퍖ᜠ뛲ྜոジ䲁꘭ド㘆駽泱瀊ᾰĂ⥱潓Ēঌ 책㲑ೠ꒠相ᾔC瞕듃﷿䗲蚆ᓘㅐ؛袁૤ꁡ芢끒䡼䄂냲䡼䌂ĸ齡⃋හ往ゅȼ簘Đ⮍㈆ሾൗ펫ϧ樻袁哳䜌 ᤰ랸᡼ஃᙼ퓐맅撋ְ췸䪕ߠᔒ犉㐃䡨ꨮ굼鳣嬣ȁ볟ȟ＀䁏畢⹟碮գ

12-25-2007, 12:49 PM
ѠՆ떚谦መ怈焰ࢣ⨢浕邛ꕠ얠痔㄰扷Ĺﯿ摰賩냴乁㦛ခչ求⭥㐀Ѐ버봬㚆ﲍ첖ᨮ졧惌ꖅጚﮡᔷ礇䆢滨 羜☆ऌ鏉蛠綐솫쀄↲᳞饜軕몮᝗瘯魎ᕢ夆Ⱞ꾚귷嶝枯睌﫿ʔĀ嵔殚銋チᢑꞄ洴૎ࠏ螱杂昈쥚ឍ└㞊� ќ幜ꐌ਒窯吝伪⹧銆輘좯끩㈶㻷撎㍵⢃ບ㘆幜ⅹ塞ꋂꜥ㐓橎閺ᶥ겥룲便㒣㊥燶홋㎯㡵ꞹ鯟晏ു﬘굛殹嚳߁勵앱㛀肇 蟏ꏸ︓「颪鐎↝両䭀萠a쨋䯅ېѾ촄隇0〰捤൫똁ᤦ妁ㅘ셏￲샻ᔪ㷸⯸뛅Ό݅쒢铼鸘쭿괅擱洊礪퓅铊 섏ႜļ郡೏兀ி摠자瞛礌뚍Ϧŕ멐썟枱紏糰ƈ壔㇀੤ᄃ᠞뾏냸⨅㆔㳇㌱쓠‗蝒䫃ౝ샇ఔ蓀࿰磱аゆ 뙐䯆ഃ니⑓쉘ꛐ覅社砲ܲ胀吽향붧ꣁὄ?䲺Ų둜存ᦅ剡傥耎ꁘ噈ʬ菕ట憀隂ⶾꁕ愋㚜脏礀㉴脏렀岔⋝橸썪芿翹 뿽じ픫黅﬘⣭艡ޯ讍謌� 埾曱徑怊ᮾ芊Ԙ䠼 塼섁⃰ࠛ԰肗午㠃ɬⳀȟ瀁ࡼ쀅ἰĆॠ怊࡝Ῠ㣱粖ȟ뀁ꁣ回ཛྷ䄸ᥔ㚅䬆몯⨙縈⋍弟ኝ윋ࣺ쑀啾/郡ᯄ輍툀粰 ﹿꯕ숇ᲀȟﰀ慰耂镛�瀲謗轅拸ꃷ䠅⠆툩Ⲯ柁΋爛Ǥ预풱֨饑唍懣䤈쌇ᲀ࿁͐⦸Ʌ⬎༞⠀픂ܫ胃䬜ļ롉ؤܦ胀쁟 郸萄最㶆뒳ཧ⹀ᜥࡼﴄ렌휲蛁쇪庁ᾬO춚檇臁걞ᴜ礪悠ᚳ섲퍢냌ꡛ祣䎹ᔌ둸ļ쩝ㄚ뉠᲋讖ٚꈋ桩ȱ鯞 墂Ἶ烿罹䟥ᔠἯ㔄镊ᙌ쟠䀆痾掸肃쁃Ȩ曀᠅讷夤뙘펀ﮜᛟト耊耪ᯇ奬洆ᤴ䟐հ斘 엷᚞∭ㅘ圃ऍサ∆涡橱컐쏟暡僀甮੎ܐ⏈䈆ㅀ廕Ǖ斐쇪臁걞⼟뿿菕픍ʃ墽弾翿趁ힶ漌样恤耭㠙쀋묭䚆똅憸 ᝠ뢛է聤傦౸桅蚼㪆쩭샓૆ಫ쓂锏圀₀篱ᣞ魀౔鑆䙑စȥ칹뀀৆連橨괶୘靲짂㤆퍰荝怜᷇䭃ᡬۦ焹ჸ褍兂 粐Ԉꇄ刟睠휛劗죠脂₃㓉尞褥༘⁘䈀ঠ蜒狀ચ楬ⅰꄏ蔲쑀ᓠ䄁슓鮚泠簌�胲̋㢀౾륮㛂↸锏脂㹐 O⹾㩴ؙ䵁ቬﬨ葌㴠徕┺ﰗ۠萏ᑸ提ǎઊᣟꁘ茩ꅛ�臟ꮎ胯֮ᄘ脂縬ꂫ쇇햯傪㿪ౖꝷ迋㐅먴ភ簼ʠ钋˸ჂⳲ 룧脰ﱧ욳ֈ揰倊彇⠙蘅窧码ꨅゆ�롒ﵣ惵瀙ᣴ뢂ᣴ낃쌋�랿汆㹸̄⊄Α䃠㸶ࠟᲩꛠ얀屗脏ꠀ᠜ཪ럊 ظ䳁{⒋ؘ⡰퀗ᣰ醌蕫ıﱀꄲȌ蓉悥郸젃䀁쏇⥀䖋邽ୢ۟ꋐ袂쀲䣃༙ⶀ೏ꧠΟ봑拠䴲阁೾�䎵謬譭䉿ᆘ稃怌㬡 쀕෎鮂�怕䫇ㄸ㪫ꉠ䘖ᡐ虖讆塖顚쮲ઃ㎦̋瑮빻웰꤉�ƚ䩼퍖ᜠ뛲ྜոジ䲁꘭ド㘆駽泱瀊ᾰĂ⥱潓Ēঌ 책㲑ೠ꒠相ᾔC瞕듃﷿䗲蚆ᓘㅐ؛袁૤ꁡ芢끒䡼䄂냲䡼䌂ĸ齡⃋හ往ゅȼ簘Đ⮍㈆ሾൗ펫ϧ樻袁哳䜌 ᤰ랸᡼ஃᙼ퓐맅撋ְ췸䪕ߠᔒ犉㐃䡨ꨮ굼鳣嬣ȁ볟ȟ＀䁏畢⹟碮գ

Is there an Egyptologist in the house?

Matthew Zak
12-25-2007, 01:00 PM

how do you download youtube?

12-25-2007, 01:05 PM

how do you download youtube?


12-25-2007, 01:14 PM
Is there an Egyptologist in the house?

That's just how nerds can send messages.

It's a sampling of video code. Kinda cool how you can but little messages in a video huh?


how do you download youtube?

Find the Youtube you want to download and

just go to one of these links and put the URL for the youtube video in the box.



Must sure you leave to conversion format type as a ".avi" file type.

Then the website will do all the work, and when it's done, it will give you a link to download the new video.

That video will play in Windows media player or Winamp.

12-25-2007, 01:50 PM
Just yesterday, I ran across videocodezone.

12-25-2007, 02:38 PM
What the DivX Site does is provide a way to compress youtube video files so they're much smaller, but at higher quality.

For example, GHoeberX (http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=GHoeberX) put Ron Paul Rising on youtube"

--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRTDynbHVYQ

but also, he provided a link to download the original file. So, I downloaded it, and converted it to the DivX file format.

The result being a much smaller file. But, since I converted it to High Definition quality, it looks very very good.

Plus, since the file is much smaller, it took much less time to upload it to a website.

Now, click on the following link and see how much nicer it looks than the video at youtube.

--> http://ronpaul.cc/video/ronpaul/hope/Ron_Paul_Rising.htm

Look for the little arrow on the right at the bottom of the player, click it,
and the file will download.

Anyone can download the file I put on the web to their own computer,
and just install the DivX player to watch it.

AND, send the link to anyone anywhere to watch it just like any link.

It's a GREAT campaign tool. Instead of a okay youtube video, NOW people can watch it in High Definition.

Download the player here: --> http://www.divx.com/divx/windows/download/

Now, after downloading, install it, and you can play file you downloaded from my website.

And it is absolutely beautiful. Like high definition video and audio.

12-25-2007, 05:22 PM

12-26-2007, 09:38 AM
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, just add this link to your Bookmarks Toolbar:


12-26-2007, 09:40 AM
You're own website is a good addition too.
Try zoomshare.com it's easy, it's free, and has great quality.

12-26-2007, 01:22 PM
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, just add this link to your Bookmarks Toolbar:


Aw man that's sweet! Thanks!!

I also found a GREAT utility that works super! at Vixy ---> http://vixy.net/

I have to close it everytime to capture a new vid, but it loads fast. I simply added it to my taskbar for easy access.

Check it out, simple to use, it rocks!


Download Installer for Windows (Xp, Vista) (http://vixy.net/app/download/windows)
(If you use Xp, please install .NET Framework 2.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en).)
Download for MacOSX (10.4, 10.5) coming soon..

Matthew Zak
01-06-2008, 03:06 PM
None of the converters seem to work anymore. Are there any others out there that you guys know of?

01-06-2008, 03:35 PM
I suggest downloading Gimp 2.4.3. Its free image editing software and is on-par with Photoshop in terms of quality and tool options.

Check it out - http://www.gimp.org/

01-06-2008, 03:58 PM
None of the converters seem to work anymore. Are there any others out there that you guys know of?

This one is GOLD! And free! BY VERY FAR the best one I've seen.




Download link:


Another - haven't used it yet - I need to install and try it:
