View Full Version : The Tyranny And Hope Of Christmas Yet To Come

Menthol Patch
12-25-2007, 01:35 AM
This Christmas eve I cannot help but wonder - with both hope and dread - what kind of nation I will wake up to a few years from now. In the future will I open my eyes on a crisp and cool December morning to a restored nation of liberty, freedom, and peace? Or will I awaken to a broadened tyranny that rivals that of any previous totalitarian state?

Tonight, questions rage through my mind. On that morning yet to come will I wake up with groceries in the pantry and a little money in my wallet or to an economic disaster dwarfing the great depression? Is there a chance that those who would usurp the sovereignty of our nation will have replaced the dollar with the Amero by this future Christmas morning that lingers in my mind? Could the home of the free and land of the brave have became the nation that gave away its independence to become a slave of a new world order?

As I sit in my cheap plastic chair hearing fireworks a few streets away I wonder if we as a nation will have anything to celebrate two, three, five or even ten years from now. Will the IRS have been abolished and replaced with nothing? Could we have ended the insane war on drugs? Will we have eliminated unconstitutional programs, eliminated the Federal Reserve, stopped printing money from thin air, and reduced the size of government? Will out of control taxing, spending, and borrowing be reversed?

What about the Bill of Rights? Will our rights and freedoms be restored? I sit here and think about the dangerous legislation that is continually being passed by our treasonous congressmen and senators. Will we have the Patriot Act Part 5 by this future Christmas morning? Is it possible privacy will be a thing of the past? Will owning a firearm automatically make you a terrorist?

I'm terrified of thought police becoming a reality when I read about HR 1955 the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act." Is there any chance that in a few years congress could apologize for even considering such an unconstitutional piece of legislation? Or a few years from now after this bill and others have been made into law will supporting a candidate like Ron Paul, calling for an end to the war in Iraq, peacefully demanding the war on drugs be ended, opposing the North American Union, refusing to accept the National ID card, and supporting the constitution put you on a watch list for the rest of your life?

The fact of the matter is that when I think of the Christmas yet to come I realize the world we wake up to on that morning will depend on how much we all did to get Ron Paul nominated and then elected as President.

We have an amazing opportunity RIGHT NOW to bring liberty, freedom, and small government to this land. However, this opportunity is RARE and we may NEVER get another as good as this one.

First of all, Ron Paul is a candidate that has extensive experience in congress, has a growing amount of name recognition, already owns the internet, has raised a good amount of money, has broken many fundraising records, and does not have the "baggage" of the other candidates. He also has support all across the United States and will probably be on the ballot almost everywhere. This gives him a REAL OPPORTUNITY to WIN!

Secondly, he is a candidate that is worth supporting because he is principled. Unlike other candidates who are willing to COMPROMISE on certain issues to gain political support he is UNWILLING to budge ONE INCH on his opposition to the IRS, big government, the "war on drugs", an aggressive foreign policy, and the violation of the Constitution. He is pro-freedom and pro-liberty on all issues at all times. This means he supports your right to live your life how you see fit.

To be blunt, we may never have another opportunity to support a candidate as HIGH QUALITY as Ron Paul who has a REAL chance to win!

Years from now what kind of nation will we wake up to on Christmas morning? I do not know. However not knowing is a blessing, because it means we still have the opportunity to start REDOUBLING our efforts to get Ron Paul nominated and in the White House!

Will you start re-doubling your efforts TODAY to spread the word about Ron Paul to your friends, associates, fellow students, co-workers, family members, and even strangers?

If we all start working together today Ron Paul can win!

Menthol Patch
12-25-2007, 01:49 AM