View Full Version : Dinesh D'Souza (the guy who debated Ron at Vegas) says Ron is not a real libertarian

07-10-2007, 11:41 AM

Hmm he changed his text, he had something about Thomas Jefferson on there.

07-10-2007, 11:45 AM
Those people are just being annoying the best way to respond to them is.

"Then I guess its a good thing hes running as a Republican LOL"

07-10-2007, 11:48 AM
my response at the article location:

Wow this guy is neither informed nor rational. I also cannot take him seriously when he has a spelling mistake in his article.

"So here is question for Ron Paul: shouldn't the United States do what it can to promote liberty worldwide? I posed this question and Paul answered that America should be an example of liberty and not try to impose freedom by force. Alas, where freedom has come to countries it has usually come by force. How did we get freedom in this country? We had a revolution."

There is a difference between promoting liberty in YOUR country and trying to force your way of life on a different group of people.

" How did African Americans win freedom? It took the invasion of a Northern army to secure for the slaves a freedom they were not in a position to secure for themselves"

Once again, that is a national issue not an INTERNATIONAL one. Some would argue that the Civil War was completely unneccessary given that every other industrialized country got rid of slavery without civil wars.

"And let's remember that America imposed freedom at the point of a bayonet on Japan and Germany after World War II, and the results have been excellent."

They attacked us and declared war on us. Very different circumstances than the current imperialism

07-10-2007, 11:49 AM

Hmm he changed his text, he had something about Thomas Jefferson on there.

I love reading all these "experts" talk about how bad RP's foreign policy philosophy is regarding the Middle East when our own CIA (The REAL Experts) back him up. "Yeah, nevermind them. They're just the CIA. I'm a civilian columnists. I know more than they do about the Middle East."

07-10-2007, 11:52 AM
I love reading all these "experts" talk about how bad RP's foreign policy philosophy is regarding the Middle East when our own CIA (The REAL Experts) back him up. "Yeah, nevermind them. They're just the CIA. I'm a civilian columnists. I know more than they do about the Middle East."

:D Agreed.

07-10-2007, 11:53 AM
Reading the comments (none supporting Dinesh) only shows how as "they" try to silence Ron's message by twisting things as they see fit...it always blows up in their face.