View Full Version : Suggestion: always put "FOR PRESIDENT" with Ron Paul

07-10-2007, 09:54 AM
ssia. While I really dig the "Who is Ron Paul?" banners, I worry that Joe American is watching America's Got Talent rather than googling Paul. I strongly suggest that everyone put "For President" on all Ron Paul signs, stickers, etc.

I know it sounds ridiculous that people would not know that he is running for president but every single one of my friends found out about Ron Paul from ME and I consider them to be very intelligent/informed compared to the average person so that scares me

07-10-2007, 10:35 AM
I agree. Everyone I've talked to has seen his name on the "Who is Ron Paul?" signs, but none of them knew what that was supposed to mean. They figured he was running for something, but they didn't bother going to the website.

07-10-2007, 10:41 AM
I agree. Handing out brochures at a 4th celebration I had a lot of folks say things like "Oh, I'm from out of state". And if you look at the official brochure from the campaign, it only says "presidential campaign" when talking about donating.

07-10-2007, 10:54 AM
Is there a way we could combine the two phrases?

07-10-2007, 11:05 AM
I will play devils advocate:

While adding "For President" is a nice idea part of this campaign that is great is it's different. I know I personally see hundreds of campaign signs during the campaign season, they all look about the same, all say the same things. The "Who is Ron Paul" and "Ron Paul Revolution" signs are something different. They almost look like a gimmick for a TV or Radio show, or store. this draws upon a persons natural curiosity. They may not imediately look him up, but seen enough they may. Also when they later see him on TV they will make the connection. I have had a few people approach me while wearing a RP shirt and ask me "What are those signs for?" I smile and get to tell them the greatest message of our time :)

In our area we plan to use a mix of many sign types and messages. We are not limited to a cookie cutter message from the campaign. WE are the campaign.

07-10-2007, 11:06 AM
I posted this same thing in another thread and nobody responded, so I thought I was off base, but it really seems to me that indicating "For President" on everything, is the most important message. Otherwise, they won't associate the name with something of significance.

07-10-2007, 11:09 AM
I agree. Everyone I've talked to has seen his name on the "Who is Ron Paul?" signs, but none of them knew what that was supposed to mean.
well hey, if they've never read atlas shruged (who is john galt?), then they have no buisness voting for Ron Paul anyway.:D

07-10-2007, 11:14 AM
I'm on the fence about this.

While people need to be educated about Dr. Paul, nobody wants to be force-fed. A sign that says "Who is Ron Paul?" is like dangling a carrot. Its not a call-to-action, its an enigma.

My opinion is that until Ron Paul has more name recognition (3% won't cut it), the point of our work is to simple get people curious about him and at a very minimum, know who he is.

Since we need him to win the primaries before he can be a viable option for the presidency, we should focus now on simply his name recognition for now.


07-10-2007, 11:21 AM
well hey, if they've never read atlas shruged (who is john galt?), then they have no buisness voting for Ron Paul anyway.:D

Careful... Lots of people do not like Ayn Rand. :p But they can still love Ron Paul. :)

07-10-2007, 11:22 AM
I will play devils advocate:

While adding "For President" is a nice idea part of this campaign that is great is it's different. I know I personally see hundreds of campaign signs during the campaign season, they all look about the same, all say the same things. The "Who is Ron Paul" and "Ron Paul Revolution" signs are something different. They almost look like a gimmick for a TV or Radio show, or store. this draws upon a persons natural curiosity. They may not imediately look him up, but seen enough they may. Also when they later see him on TV they will make the connection. I have had a few people approach me while wearing a RP shirt and ask me "What are those signs for?" I smile and get to tell them the greatest message of our time :)

In our area we plan to use a mix of many sign types and messages. We are not limited to a cookie cutter message from the campaign. WE are the campaign.

You make a good point. Though I would, at least, like to see a better balance between the two.

07-10-2007, 11:25 AM
I like the idea about a variety of signs. In my area the casinos advertise on the interstate with a series of billboards with different but related messages, and then on the last one it shows the name of the casino. I was thinking about doing something similar with signs on major roads like:

"Remember the Constitution?"

"Remember States' rights?"

"Tired of politics as usual?"

"Vote Ron Paul for President!"

The literary references are great for people who've read the books; and the mysterious, ambiguous signs are great for piquing interest, but a lot of people simply forget by the time they get to a computer, or they don't have a computer.

We really need to go for mass appeal if we want to get in the polls and win the primaries, and unfortunately a lot of voters won't like him if the only thing they know is that he's leading a "revolution".

07-10-2007, 11:29 AM
You make a good point. Though I would, at least, like to see a better balance between the two.

Exactly. I love the Revolution and Who is Ron Paul? signs and shirts, but things such as brochures should maybe mention that "president" is the office he is aspiring to.

07-10-2007, 11:30 AM
I support using the Ron Paul Revolution and Who is ron paul stuff as well as all the others.

HOWEVER, if you're with a bunch of people with signs...make sure at few of them have "FOR PRESIDENT" on them. Most people honestly have no clue. Keep in mind that 50% of Americans do not vote (and an even large # don't vote in the primaries). You need to let them know that he is the alternative to the other PRESIDENTIAL candidates. Otherwise, people may not know he is a national politician

07-10-2007, 11:45 AM
In all future promo material we produce, we're taking out the 'for' preceding 'President' and adding '08 or 2008. This will send a more positive subliminal, rather than appearing as just another also ran.