View Full Version : I don't get this whole "Earmarks" thing......

12-24-2007, 08:59 AM
I get that the media is grasping for things to maniPAULate and use against Ron Paul and that this is the latest "story". But the thing is, they could actually be doing just as much harm to themselves for exploiting this. First, it's gives Ron more exposure. And secondly, it falls in line with exactly what Ron Paul is all about:

RON PAUL is about saving us Americans MONEY.

He votes against most spending to save us money. But if his people are taxed this money and Ron gets a chance to "earmark" this allocated $$$ they need (like after a disaster), then Paul is going to get that "tax credit" instead of letting their tax dollars go to waste. Why wouldn't he or anybody else??? This is not hypocritical.

Is this really the worse the MSM can throw on Ron these days nearing Iowa? They have never even heard of this until Russert brought it up. Most mediaheads have no clue how to truly attack Ron without hurting themselves.

12-24-2007, 10:07 AM
Sounds to me like you get it :)

Independent Operator
12-24-2007, 10:15 AM
Sounds to me like you get it :)

what he said. sounds like you got the picture.

12-24-2007, 10:18 AM
The best thing is to bring this 'scandal' to light and see the real story.
I wonder if any candidate like McCain will use this to attack Ron Paul. The earmark is part of McCains platform.

12-24-2007, 10:32 AM
Yeah every politician in washington does this, but ron paul just puts his districts interest in bills he knows are going to pass but hes personally against, so he votes no and he still gets the money. That way, his people get the money they deserve back, and he maintains his integrity. Hes making the best of the current system, hes ensuring that he can remain in congress and fight the good fight.

12-24-2007, 11:13 AM
Yeah every politician in washington does this, but ron paul just puts his districts interest in bills he knows are going to pass but hes personally against, so he votes no and he still gets the money. That way, his people get the money they deserve back, and he maintains his integrity. Hes making the best of the current system, hes ensuring that he can remain in congress and fight the good fight.

This is really quite a genius strategy. I can't believe we might actually get this man elected president. The world will change over night. And it will change even more the 2nd day.

12-24-2007, 11:31 AM
It shows how much they are grabbing at straws, hoping that Americans are too stupid to see through them.

It would be like Russert asking Paul, why do you file an income tax if you are against the income tax? In fact, Paul used this as an example--because that's the way the system is currently run. If they are going to take money from Texas (and every other state), it's his obligation as an elected representative to get some of that money back for his state. He wants to change this system because it can be easily corrupted. Ask Teddy about the billions sent to his state for a tunnel that still leaks and collapses on people's cars.