View Full Version : National Pride?

12-24-2007, 04:08 AM
Proud to be Gay?

Proud to be Black?

Proud to be White?

Proud to be American?


Proud to be a man?

Proud to have 5 fingers?

...all things you were BORN into and had no choice in the matter.

What does all this pride mean and what good has it done for you? I think a lot of Ron Paul's supporters that are missed in these phone polls are the apathetic people who have never bothered to vote. They are tired of bought and paid for politicians and see Ron Paul as something different. These same people, while we may say we are proud Americans, really don't know what that means. We have never voted, have not participated in local politics, have not been engaged in a war to protect America from another country and generally have grown up being fed lie after lie about why we should just obey what we are told and to put our heads down and follow the ass in front of us, like sheep and cattle. Electing Dr. Paul will truly be something WE can be part of that genuinely makes me proud to be an American in as much as it can mean. Voting for Ron Paul will be my first act to change and direct this country into something I feel is better for me and those around me. It is something I can be proud of as an accomplishment in ways I can't and will not ever feel about my race, skin color or sexual preference - others things I was born with that are not associated with any accomplishment of mine.
Maybe it isn't even pride I am feeling...but is something even better? Sense of responsibility perhaps? Whatever it is, it feels good to be here now, in America, and part of this opportunity to truly change the world as we know it.

This is the message I have spread to my family about why I am suddenly involved in politics. It has worked on many of them...those who are still reluctant are simply going to keep doing as they were and will not be voting anyway. Response, though, has been great and I have been able to get about 12 people to register Republican to vote for Ron Paul who otherwise would have not voted this year. Imagine if we can all get just 2 or 3 others who have never voted (I believe many have) the impact it will have from this day forward in all future elections.

It is amazing what a principled and humble doctor from Texas can do.