View Full Version : The Message - RON'S Message ONLY; No Letters to Press; Help Early primary states

12-23-2007, 10:28 PM
1. There has been too much inconsistency in the grassroots message. Emphasizing the constitution doesn't win enough votes and neither does educating (we don't have enough time or resources). Our message is Ron Paul's message, not what you think it would be/might be. Talking about the points that Ron Paul outlines on his webpage (under Issues) is the only way we can win Dr. Paul the nomination. Stick to those points and not our own. Please tell and educate your local members. Emphasize the issues that are important to the PRIMARY VOTERS in your region. Find those out by asking NON-RON PAUL supporters what issues matter to them and focus on those issues. For example, in New Hampshire, its Taxes, Health Care, Immigration, Property Rights, Immigration, and for some, time to end the Iraq War. In Iowa its Immigration and NAFTA, Taxes, 2nd amendment, abortion, ect.

Tell people that Ron Paul is a good Christian Doctor also.

2. DON'T write letters to press (they are now reluctant to do stories about Paul as Paulites fill their inboxes). Instead, write LETTERS TO THE EDITORS of your local papers. These are read by super-voters often. Start with "I'm a lifelong Republican, and Ron Paul is the man to carry the Republican Torch because..."

3. Paul needs to do well in the early primary states - help out there (particularly New Hampshire and Iowa) if you are competent at selling Ron Paul's message and ONLY Ron's Message.

Avery J. Knapp Jr., M.D.
Ron Paul 2008 MeetupAlliance.com

Another idea - Fundraising Houseparties on Dec. 31 for Ron Paul

12-24-2007, 12:17 AM
Good advice.

12-24-2007, 12:56 AM
Also writing your local party Reps to endorse RP is not a bad idea. Let your local congressmen and senators etcs know that an endoresement of Ron Paul could get them a lot of support.

12-24-2007, 01:08 AM

12-24-2007, 10:06 AM
Please spread the word to Ron Paul's more "colorful" supporters to stick to Ron's message, not their own.

No pot shirts, anti-federal reserve pins, ect.

10 days to Iowa.
15 days to NH.

12-24-2007, 10:11 AM
Keep this bumped

12-24-2007, 10:22 AM
Please spread the word to Ron Paul's more "colorful" supporters to stick to Ron's message, not their own.

No pot shirts, anti-federal reserve pins, ect.

10 days to Iowa.
15 days to NH.

you mean like, "mind our own business" ???

srsly, i usually like your posts...

but don't tell people what to wear and what not to wear...

really, man.


to emphasis pimpblimp's sig

Main Entry: lib·er·ty
Pronunciation: \ˈli-bər-tē\
1: the quality or state of being free: a: the power to do as one pleases b: freedom from physical restraint c: freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d: the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e: the power of choice

12-24-2007, 10:29 AM
srsly, i usually like your posts...

but don't tell people what to wear and what not to wear...

Freedom is popular... and messy. Liberty demands tolerance...

Don't tell me what to do, say, think, write, wear, or see. Thank you.

100% Ron Paul

This week in DRUGS (http://www.madcowprod.com/12242007.html)

12-24-2007, 10:47 AM
Don't get all worked up. Nobody is telling anybody what to wear or what to say. Some of us are only suggesting what to say and wear if you want to help get Ron Paul elected. If you wanna wave your own flag and hope the world comes around and finally agrees on the one issue that some of us have been pushing for decades-more power to ya. If however you are willing to let your own agenda temporarily take a back seat for the greater good of getting a simplistic people to quickly accept a candidate like Ron Paul, then like many of us that bite our tongues while campaigning-you can make a few sacrifices. Trust me, it's not that painful.. but in a way i cant wait until this campaign is over and I'm not representing Ron Paul, so that i can start screaming at people again.

01-02-2008, 04:01 PM
Bump. Read the first post before you campaign in a primary state. Find out the issues that are important to the VOTERS you're trying to persuade, NOT THE ISSUES which are important to you!