View Full Version : President Paul will need a Congress he can work with

07-09-2007, 10:36 PM
Announcing: Operation: Capitol Storm

Ron Paul has sparked more excitement and energy than any presidential candidate that I can think of.

The Meetup Groups and other organizations that are popping up all over the country in support of Ron Paul are also the perfect mechanisms to put up congressional candidates in every single district. Not just one candidate per district, either, but TWO!

Since Paul is actually a Libertarian/Constitutionalist, who happens to be registered, and has been elected to Congress, as a Republican, we all understand that the two party system is a sham: One party with two names. Therefore, we put up a Democrat, who is actually a "Paul Democrat", and a Republican, a "Paul Republican", to run for Congress in every single district.

In states that allow crossovers in the congressional primaries, we can concentrate on the candidate who has the better chance of winning their respective primary. In states that don't allow crossovers, it would probably be better to concentrate on the Republican, since most Paul supporters will be registered as Republicans to begin with. But who knows? A Paul Democrat in such a state still might be able to win. Ideally, come November, both candidates will be Paul candidates, so we can't lose!

The establishment has been doing this to us all these years, so let's turn the tables and do it right back to them!

Ron Paul will have powerful coattails, so let's have an army of Constitutionalists ready to ride them all the way to Capitol Hill!

Let Operation: Capitol Storm commence!

(I ran for Congress in 1992, so I am quite familiar with entire process, and I know what I'm talking about.)

07-10-2007, 07:44 AM
I agree with this 100% I also think it would be great for the campaign if everyone got really active in lobbying congress for positive legislation (particularly when Paul sponsors or co-sponsors it).

My concern:

Will dr. Paul continue to run in the 14th for 2008?

07-10-2007, 08:16 AM
Congress currently has one of the LOWEST approval ratings ever...

Now is the time for all those Ron Paul clones to start running for Congress!!!!

07-11-2007, 05:50 AM
Whether or not we get RP the position of POTUS, we do need to focus on getting like minded individuals into all branches of government.

I'm thinking that in some ways, that might even be easier. How many average citizens really pay attention to their local government? Or know who their reps are?

07-11-2007, 06:23 AM
Firstly, love the concept and it's entered my mind to. If this continues to grow, there will be opportunity for riding the coat tails.

BUT, I disagree with your approach. While I would support endorsements of "Ron Paul Democrats" running for office, the effort needs to be focused within the Republican party. The war issue is what's resonating with alot of people right now as Paul's position is consistent and principled and outshines all the major democrats.

But his fiscal and social stances really fly in the face of the current democratic party platform while they align firmly with many of "stated" beliefs of the republican party. In our current system you have to identify which of the major party's you align closest to and then try to fight from within.

It also gets EVERYONE registered in the same party - That's critical for getting candidates on the ballot and starting to actually effect party leadership and their positions. Think of meetup groups with a couple of 100 people becoming active in local republican circles. Going to the meetings, getting leadership positions, etc...

IMO, this is the course with the highest probability of success.

07-11-2007, 06:36 AM
due to the grass-roots-awakening, this could potentially open the door to some 3rd party candidates as well, specifically if the GOP refuses to revert to what it once stood for.

07-11-2007, 07:51 AM
I would like to lobby for the ability of all citizens to vote on all laws to be passed through the House.

I think we could have this sort of referendum system using existing infrastructure. Using the feeds that C-Span uses, a website could be created that allowed for users to network and discuss (like we're doing now) and would allow for people to watch the debates and committees on their comp, phone, blackberry, whatever. Allow people to sign up one I.P. address for one I.D., and have a citizens recorded vote on every single bill that passes through the house.

If you want to keep the current representation system, allow the reps to vote how they want regardless of their district's vote. Just maintain a running score of how the districts voted versus how their congressperson voted, you could ditch all the "keep 'em accountable" sites as the record would speak for itself come November.

02-15-2008, 01:40 AM
The last post reminded me of these proposals of direct democracy by delagable proxy and such. Interesting stuff.


02-15-2008, 03:27 AM
Seriously almost no one knows or cares about their congressman. They mostly pick the better sounding name and vote for that person, or who they saw on TV.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with fielding our own D and R candidates. You can be a constitutional democrat if you like. The constitution is the supreme law of the land, certainly democratic reps included.
You could be more liberal in your approaches to domestic issues without blatantly violating the constitution like the neocons in office now.

As said, the neocons have been doing this to us for years. Both candidates play for their team no matter what they say. No reason not to take it back this way as well.