View Full Version : Press Release of my dreams : P

12-23-2007, 12:17 PM
After watching Ron Paul's response to the third-party question on Meet the Press, I cooked this up. I thought it might be fun if the Paul campaign were to send it out in jest:

Maverick Senator John McCain, whose quixotic bid for the Republican Presidential candidacy has continued to lag far behind the top-tier candidates, has shocked the country with yet another questionable endorsement, this time from Independent Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.

Joseph Lieberman, former Democratic Party Vice Presidential candidate under Al Gore, has a history of arrogantly bucking his former party's platform.

In 2006, Lieberman gladly formed the "Connecticut for Lieberman" Party when he did not receive the Democratic nomination for his Senate seat.

John McCain, like Joe Lieberman, also has a history of turning against his own party but returning to pander to the party base during election years.

Now that McCain's unlikely campaign has dragged even lower in the Republican primary polls, he has accepted Joe Lieberman's endorsement for the Presidency. Is this a sign that maverick Senator McCain may drop the Republican Party to run as an Independent for President in 2008?