View Full Version : Contingency plans

12-22-2007, 11:13 PM
To preface this post, I would first like to say that what I am about to discuss would only be applicable if Ron Paul does not win the nomination. I know it is a tough thing to discuss, but we need to be prepared for all scenarios.

If Ron Paul fails to win the nomination:

1. We need to maintain our organizational strength through the internet and meetup groups. The current strength of the apparatus will have to be maintained and improved.
2. Regardless of what happens in the primaries, we need to start actively controlling local party machines. I know it sucks, but we need to kill the neocon virus at the local level in order to take back the country.
3. Recruit Paulian candidates for local offices. Run yourself if you have to. If being elected to dogcatcher helps the cause, do it.
4. Form blogs independent of the current campaign. The political world is controlled by consulting firms. Most big time blogs in my state (South Carolina) are controlled by consulting firms who are employed by candidates.

These are some preliminary actions we need to think about. Remember if we do not hang together we shall most assuredly hang separately.

"Alea Iacta Est"~ The Die has been cast.

12-22-2007, 11:24 PM
And if does win the nomination we shouldn't do all that why?

No matter what happens rEVOLution lives on. Putting RP in the white house is just the beginning.

12-22-2007, 11:28 PM
If we win the white house, it will be far easier to carry out these simple steps. Much harder if we are without the media power of the presidency.