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12-20-2007, 09:42 PM
Please go and give a thumbs up to this.

12-20-2007, 09:44 PM
There's a problem with this logic. I bet some Ron Paul supporters have voted in more than one straw poll.

Polls are flawed. Stop relying on them - they don't matter.

12-20-2007, 10:09 PM
There's a problem with this logic. I bet some Ron Paul supporters have voted in more than one straw poll.

Not likely they are in different states.

Ron Paul is leading in the national polls! 33%

The result of months of polling actual voters certainly destroys the phone polls the media pundits want you to believe.
by Robert Werden
The pollsters insist that polls conducted over the phone are the most scientific way of accurately assessing a candidate’s viability. This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. What it all boils down to in the end is votes. On Caucus and Primary day you cannot phone in your vote and for all the Ron Paul supporters you cannot click your vote either. You must show up in person and cast your ballot live.
The Ron Paul brigade has proven they can vote. Ron Paul wins every single internet poll as well as almost all cell phone text message polls after network debates.

The question media pundits are constantly asking regarding the huge internet voting and fund raising success of Ron Paul is can he translate his tremendous support into Caucus and Primary votes?

Well let’s take a look at what that means. To the media, polls are success. Polls determine who gets the most media coverage. Polls determine who gets endorsed by big names in both politics and from Hollywood.

The Ron Paul supporters have proven online votes and text message votes, but have they proven votes in person, where you actually have to leave your computer or couch and travel somewhere, listen to a bunch of stump speeches then wait in long lines to vote? The only test of that are straw polls. Straw polls are actually a rehearsal for Caucus and Primary day. They are held in almost every state and require a person to travel (sometimes hours away), sit through speeches and stand in lines to vote. Furthermore straw polls are also GOP fund raisers, so in order to vote you often have to pay about $35 to $55.

So now you’re getting to the question the media pundits are asking. The translation to actual votes!

There have already been close to 50 official straw polls throughout the country. There is a website that keeps track of these events and tallies the scores just like the Media and pollsters do. Now remember straw polls are the closest you can get to actual voting. There is no spammers clicking on 50 internet polls per day, there is no phone polling to the miniscule ruminant of the decimated Republican Party. These are real people taking the day off to go and support their candidate. So without further ado here are the results.

Source www.usastrawpolls.com

As you can see the candidate with the most number of Straw poll wins is Ron Paul. Also notice that the current break through front runner in the phone polls Mike Huckabee has won only 2 straw polls.

Candidate# Wins

Ron Paul 25

Fred Thompson 24

Mitt Romney 22

Rudy Giuliani 7

John McCain 5

Mike Huckabee 2

Duncan Hunter 2

Alan Keyes 0

Now here is the really shocking statistic of these real life votes. If you look at the total straw polls and average Ron Paul’s polling percentage the same way phone polls are averaged, the percentages of votes for Ron Paul is 33.02%.

Source http://www.ronpaul2008.com/straw-poll-results/

33.02% is the media pundits answer to their question of translation to actual votes.

So if you are were hesitant to throw your endorsement towards Ron Paul because of the Medias assessment of viability, your likely in a genuine position to justify Ron Paul as your candidate.

I say, welcome to the Ron Paul Revolution.

12-20-2007, 10:30 PM
How do you vote in multiple straw polls if they are in different states???

12-20-2007, 10:36 PM
Great article!