View Full Version : Letter to young people (please comment)

12-20-2007, 01:03 AM
Ok, I don't know if the Numbers are 100% right on the debt, so please correct me if I am wrong.


Young Americans each of you owe the Chinese U$26,000

While you have been happily blogging away, listening to your Ipods, and playing Video Games, your Federal Government has been spending YOUR MONEY into oblivion.

We are now 9 TRILLION Dollars (that’s right) in debt which equates to more or less to U$26,000 to each of us.

So how are YOU gonna pay for it?


You will pay interest rates out of the Wazzo.

Lets say 10 years from now you decide to buy a modest U$200,000.00 House
At ONLY 10% interest on a 30 Year Mortgage you will end up paying the small amount of U$430,920.00 (Not including ANY insurance and taxes)

That’s right boys and girls, more than half of your “modest” house has been sent to the Chinese, and guess who had to sweat to get the money?

And the most beautiful thing is that the people that created this mess for us will be long gone.

So, keep blogging away, spend hours in front of your TV, keep racking up your points, because that is what’s really important, isn’t it?


12-20-2007, 01:36 AM
This is good. We need to put something related to Ron Paul in there though :P

12-20-2007, 01:40 AM
I think what is most important is that all the young people make sure they VOTE!!!!!!!!! on election day.

12-20-2007, 01:41 AM


Just kidding. I liked it!

12-20-2007, 01:49 AM
- Can you not use the word Chinese?
- Provide more info on Dr. Paul
- Provide facts. For example -

In 2003 $318 billion was spent on interest payments servicing the debt, out of a total tax revenue of $1,952 billion

source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt

12-20-2007, 01:51 AM
I hear that right now we owe 30,000$ each but when all the babyboomers are retiring we'll owe 270,000$ (Don't remember where I heard this or if its true

12-20-2007, 02:23 AM
I am 23, so I guess I am considered a young person.

Here is my personal feelings on the letter.

It's too in the face. You offend them for using their ipods and blogging which is pretty lame. Most young americans will just roll their eyes and stop reading.
This is what I would write keeping with your same theme and using your numbers.

Did your teachers or parents ever inform you that each of us owe the Chinese U$26,000?

While you have been mindlessly blogging away, listening to your favorite album on your ipod and playing video games for hours on end, the Federal Government has been spending YOUR money without your knowledge!

We are now 9 TRILLION Dollars in debt (no joke) which is approximately U$26,000 to each and every one of us.

So how are YOU gonna pay for it?

It's not going to be pretty. You might want to sit down for this.

You will pay interest rates out the ass.
Who cares about interest rates you might ask? Well you should.

Lets say 10 years from now you decide to buy a modest $200,000.00 house
at 10% interest. On a 30 Year mortgage you will end up paying the small amount of U$430,920.00!

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, more than half of your “modest” house has been sent to the Chinese and guess who had to work hard getting the money to pay for it?

The worst thing is that the people that created these problems for you, won't be around to see the disastrous effects nor will they be around to fix it!

So rather than blogging, spending hours in front of the TV or leveling that Horde to 70, it's time to get involved to make a difference. Vote in this years primary (blah blah blah).

I personally would skip the whole house thing. Young people don't normally think they will ever own a house and won't be able to relate at all.

Pick something else to talk about in my opinion. Mortgage rates and a 30 year loan is a foreign language to those who are blogging, listening to their ipod and playing video games. You are attempting to school people who don't even know what book you are reading from.