View Full Version : Why doesn't headquarters let us decide what to do with the money?

12-19-2007, 05:02 PM
We should contact headquarters and propose the idea that they hold (as safe as possible) internet polls for Ron Paul supporters to vote on measures they deem as worthy of spending large pockets of money on and provide a feedback email where supporters could weigh in and micromanage certain details.

Raising money is about 25% the battle, spending it wisely and effectively is the other 3/4'ths.

Plus, it would hit an accord with the base and grass root support that Ron Paul would be receptive to what the masses want and his own argument that the market (or many) can better manage resources than the few. It would certainly be unprecedented and would appeal to disgruntled citizens that, "hey! here's a respectable candidate who if he gets into office, would seriously allow us an unprecedented voice in our spending policies."

Figure it might be worth a shot.. anyone up for calling HQ?

12-19-2007, 05:03 PM
Because it's against campaign laws.

12-19-2007, 05:05 PM
What the hell kind of bogus law is that?

12-19-2007, 05:06 PM
how long did it take to get the usatoday ad finalized? how many people were still upset?

too many cooks in the kitchen i say..