View Full Version : A Call To The Gallup Poll

12-19-2007, 01:54 PM
this is all from memory this morning, i wish i had taped the conversation - it was beautiful.

i started to wonder why some media outlets favored huckabee all the sudden and you dont hear about giuliani much anymore. like the tides had turned so fast in all the "scientific polls" that go on. i cruised over to gallup.com to figure out how scientific they were and it wasnt enough. i called gallup's washington dc office. I asked the receptionist if i could be added to the sample pool for surveys - she directed me to a pr person. the gentleman was very nice and what he had to say was interesting but i wish i had gone further

1. there is not contact list with names, the numbers are pre calculated for area and the last four are computer generated.
2. there is no way to make sure i am added
3. he said "my chances of being struck by lightning are greater than being called"
4. they do about 24 runs with 1000 samples a year = 24,000 people
5. i asked what about the election, "oh yeah - we call much more often during the election cycle"
6. i asked about cellphones, he said "last election cycle they made up maybe 3-4 per cent of their samples from cell phones.

I want to call and record the conversation and post it on youtube next time. maybe it would be a great thing for a real reporter to do.

help me generate a few more questions to ask-
can i hear a sample of the survey that is presented? is it posted somewhere?
and if not, can you dictate the survey to me over the phone?
is gallup a not-for-profit company?
if it is NOT a nonprofit org then how justifiable are its motivations?
saying the right thing to the right people garnishes the best pr to continue business does it not?

12-19-2007, 01:55 PM
do you randomize the order the candidates are presented?