View Full Version : Ron Paul supporters ruining Christmas

12-19-2007, 04:46 AM
That letter about rude RP supporters ruining a mall Santa family outing in NH is spreading around the internet and emails but here is one part of the rebuttal:

(On the Media interviewer) BROOKE GLADSTONE: New Hampshire's state emblem is a great stone face carved by nature into a series of cliffs called the Old Man of the Mountain. Wouldn't he, the most literal of Granite Staters, resent being a sideshow in the electoral circus?

(NH Manchester Union Leader Publisher) JOE McQUAID: I think sometimes even the ones who claim to be annoyed are secretly quite proud of the primary.

Supporters always should take the first "no" for an answer but this NH publisher's explanation that anyone can snap now and then is worth noting too and can soften the blow of the "hit piece" about the mall Santa episode.


On the Media also did a feature about the FEC angle of the blimp.


12-19-2007, 04:51 AM
If that guy can't handle democracy in action he should move to a country that doesn't have free elections. But then, of course, Christmas would have to go as well.

Seems like that guy forgot that his freedom to celebrate Christmas and to shop in one of the richest nations in the world was made possible by the fact that our forefathers fought and died for our right to have free elections and for our freedom to speak openly about our political views.

12-19-2007, 05:48 AM
"get out of here punks, i'm busy blowing my children's future on plastic crap!"

"ewwww, gimme gimme gimme gimme"