View Full Version : Another Idea

12-18-2007, 07:21 PM
Ok...I'm accepting all criticism for this silly idea so let me have it...

With V being such a symbol in signatures on the forum and the rEVOLution theme going strong...I was thinking our next "bomb" could be V masks. In true form to the movie, we spend the next couple weeks ordering a V mask from somewhere online and break it out for random appearances...shopping, running, anywhere out in public that it's safe to do so. You could put/make a Ron paul sticker to put on it or whatever...but the point being people would start seeing these popping up everywhere. Think of it as the internet spammer showing up in the real world. Then on Jan. 4 or even the 5 or whatever date...we organize to all wear it the same day, a la the final scene of V when all the people show up for Nov. 5th. Now that I think of it this could be a big theme for rallies on the sunday before super tuesday. There could be marches, rallies, etc. along with informational sessions for first time voters. idk...I'll let you guys decide if this is wacko or not before I brainstorm any more. I've already registered a domain name to help organize just in case.

Ok, have at me!:cool:

12-18-2007, 08:18 PM
Selfless Bump :(