View Full Version : Why I believe the GOP leadership would prefer Hillary to Paul

12-18-2007, 12:57 AM
I have been thinking about this for a while. Lots of people have made good arguments that Paul is the only Republican that can beat Hillary.

I think the GOP leadership would rather lose to Hillary than have Ron Paul get elected because they stay in power and can take another shot in four years. They think (incorrectly) that all of us rabble will go quietly into the night if they can deny We The People this nomination. They know that Ron Paul in the White House or even getting the GOP nomination their power is over, the GOP will be infused with fresh blood and four years from now much of the GOP leadership will be new people! Not them! They see this as a Very Bad Thing.

Now personally, I think the GOP leadership is screwed barring one move (which isn't going to happen) they start giving Ron Paul decent treatment and quit laughing behind their hands and treating him like a red-headed step child. That is the only way these guys keep power. Here is why.

Option 1: Things keep going as they are and Ron Paul wins the nomination. the message gets out and the neocon gatekeepers are exposed as having been fighting against our liberty. Massive cleaning house within the GOP.

Option 2: Things keep going as they are and Ron Paul is not nominated. We leave in droves and possibly form a third party or swell the ranks of the LP or Constitution Party. Just as with Ron Paul himself, we will attract freedom lovers from both Dems and Reps, but the GOP will be hurt far worse and I believe would never recover. They certainly will not regain power within the lifetime of any of the current leadership. Hear that Saul Anuzis? YOU'RE DONE.

Option 3: The current leadership (I am talking party chairmen and current national office holders) have a "come to Jesus meeting and start giving Ron Paul the time of day. I think this outcome is VERY unlikely, but I also think it is the only way that any of the current GOP maintain power. I will NEVER vote for another candidate that does not support the Constitution and also has demonstrated the integrity that I know he will do what he says once elected. I think most everyone here has the same sentiment.

12-18-2007, 01:00 AM
Whatever happens, once unplugged from the matrix you can't go back.

12-18-2007, 01:02 AM
They do not want a return to a true Republican platform.


12-18-2007, 01:09 AM
What I've been hearing alot is that the neodems are no different than the neocons.

Either side probably could care less if Hillary or Huckabee was put into office. Everyone will still have a chance at the big, tasty government pie.

In 2012, Dr. Paul, barring any health issues (he will be 76) may run again for president, even as a third party, IF what you say about the GOP toppling is true.....and truly shake American history.

12-18-2007, 01:34 AM
Option 4:

Ron Paul gets the nomination through grassroots efforts.
The CFR's "reserve candidate," Bloomberg enters the race as an independent.
Bloomberg's candidacy is treated like the second coming of Jesus by the MSM
This attracks the neo-cons and splits the Republican base in the general election. Hillary wins.
The status-quo is maintained.