View Full Version : My Pledge

12-17-2007, 06:54 PM
How much time do we spend on these forums? How much time do we waste browsing useless third-tier MSM blogs and writing outraged rebuttals to some idiots' delusional scribbling? Diggs don't win elections, votes do.

We raised enough money. We did everything we could online. Now let's take it to the real world, people!

Most of us are now WAY more prepared for a political discussion than 99% of people. We know our guy's positions on all the issues, and we understand them. We can talk, we can spread the Message, we can convince real people that will translate to real votes. Let's do that!

I hereby pledge to convert at least one person to our cause EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I will convince at least 1 person who previously was not a Ron Paul supporter to register Republican and vote on primaries for Ron Paul. The more the better, but today's converts don't count against tomorrow. I will follow up with every one of them to make sure they register and vote.

I challenge you to do the same.

12-17-2007, 06:56 PM
I'm currently working on my parents. My gf is now a bigger supporter than me. My younger brother is a supporter (he doesn't vote, but he probably has already converted a few that do vote). My sister, who just turned 18 is seriously questioning.

12-17-2007, 07:19 PM
Got one for today, can go home now :)