View Full Version : Old News Coverage

12-17-2007, 10:54 AM
I've been seeing a lot of posts ranting about the lack of substantial media coverage this morning regarding the Tea Party.

Trust me, I share the same distain for the Old Media(which is what we should begin calling it, not MSM...Newspapers<Radio<TV<Intertubes) as most of you do but they are hardly well oiled machines anymore capable of covering news...they are more concerned with making news with their talking heads. It's cheaper and creates a targeted demographic for them.

They don't have the capabilities to cover news anymore the way they used to and blogs and websites can now. Let's give them a few hours and let the campaign produce a press conferance...If there isn't any substantial coverage tonight on the evening telecasts...Release the hounds.

Just my $0.02

Virginia Libertarian
12-17-2007, 11:04 AM
I think that's a great idea to start calling it Old Media rather than MSM, maybe that will catch on?