View Full Version : New Idea! The Anti-thesis to the Money Bomb

12-17-2007, 05:16 AM
What we really need is an effective way to produce a sustained, continual flow of money into the campaign. If the official campaign had an automated donation phone number, so that people could call in and instantly donate over the phone (everyone has a phone and a lot have cell phones with them everywhere) with an automated service, like how one can pay for a utility bill over the phone, and we started encouraging everyone we know to donate $10, we might have a way of getting a lot more people to begin to participate.

$10 might not sound like much, but that is the point. The main thing is that people would be much more willing to chip in $10, even if they do not think that he stands a chance of being elected. A lot of people dig Ron Paul but just don't think he stands a chance. They don't feel the sense we do in throwing in hundreds or thousands of dollars, and it would be difficult to bring people out of our more active group to do this.

But $10, people will be much more indiscriminate with. If they could get on their cell phone and send a donation in one minute, at any time (we were going to call donations in from work on overnights for the Tea Party, but since there was no one taking calls, you couldn't donate), we could really start to reach people.

The monetary gain might not be impressive as it would if they all donated $100, but these people otherwise wouldn't, and the total amount of donors would speak for a lot of votes. These people could become more enthusiastic, as the fact that they put in a little bit might inspire them to follow what is happening more closely, then bringing them to be more active and maybe even contributing more.

My main conclusion from 12/16 is that we haven't expanded too substansially from our support base on 11/5, despite the increased media coverage and slightly higher poll numbers. We should be proud of hitting that record, but its not any time to become satisfied. Ron Paul is seeking to step the campaign up nationally, and we really need to begin expanding our support in a way that translates into donations, no matter how small, so that it registers in a measurable way. We could simply wait and see how people actually vote, but let's be sure now so we can take action to remove any uncertainty.

Hell, it could even be $1, just to show another American supports and will vote.

I think this is a great idea. We need a theme, something simple and easy, so it can be streamlined and spread like wild-fire. Of course, I guess the only thing would be that we would need an automated phone way to pay by credit card.

Anyways, I definitely feel like we need to do something like this. What does everyone think? Let's discuss. :D

12-17-2007, 06:08 AM
Anyone? :)

12-17-2007, 06:20 AM
A lot of NGO's use those. Its just a 1900 number with a $20 or $10 charge. To meet FEC though it gets a lot more complicated. God Bless the FEC.

12-17-2007, 06:50 AM
You have the money, now you need hearts and minds.

Stop trying to win over the media.

Win over the PEOPLE.

12-17-2007, 06:56 AM
Well, I think that it would be pretty easy to do an automated phone thing, probably needs to be an 800 number, all you'd have to do is input the same information over the phone. Maybe all the information except for the credit card verification information could just be stated by the caller, and entered into a system later by a representative.

But what does everyone think about the idea itself? I think it needs to happen. The mainstream media will NOT help us reach much new support. The numbers from the Tea Party suggest that truly haven't increased our support by that much, even as the total raised is impressive. I'm talking about sweeping in people who are apathetic.

We need to start a $1/$10 donation campaign for Ron Paul. It'd consist of us talking to everyone who we interact with and first asking them if they watch the presidental races, and if they don't, ask them first what issues they are concerned with, and always, always, there will be a very important issue that Ron Paul has a fierce stance on that they will agree with. If they have already heard of Ron Paul and are interested in what he is doing, let's get them to donate $10. If not, and they like the ideas he says, $1.

I think this is simple and cheap enough for most Americans that they would have fun with it. We're talking impulse donations here. If Ron Paul said this and they like it, donate $1.

What does it accomplish? Name recognition. They will be more interested in Ron Paul and look to support him more as they learn more. If we have a streamlined way that any American can submit a donation, we could really reach out to fellow Americans and get them involved.

12-17-2007, 07:00 AM
You have the money, now you need hearts and minds.

Stop trying to win over the media.

Win over the PEOPLE.

Exactly! This is the best way to get people involved, I think, that will also show America's support for Ron Paul in a measureable way that we can cite. We can cite the amount of unique donors. If we have 5 million submitting $1 and $10 to the campaign, the money would be nice, but think of the votes that represents.

Its a simple idea and can be highly effective. If we have the campaign on board to facillitate it, and we come up with some kind of catchy slogan or theme, we can run for it, all over the Internet as well, but especially with everyone around us. Meetups could take to the streets, churches, we can run advertisements, everything.

Makes sense to me. :cool:

12-17-2007, 07:16 AM
Stop trying to win over the media.

Win over the PEOPLE.


12-17-2007, 07:18 AM
I was just reading a discussion elsewhere and someone stated that media coverage does not translate into votes, and someone asked if he had any proof of that.

Well, we have an opportunity to prove it, maybe we should. :)

12-17-2007, 07:23 AM
I always thought we need an automated donation that works through our bank accounts.

In other words -- it's set up that once a week the bank transfers $10 (or $5 or whatever amount) of the money in our bank account to the Ron Paul Campaign. It's automatic, so we don't have to do anything, and it's a small amount so we won't feel it.

If enough people do it, it would generate a steady stream of donations to Ron Paul.


12-17-2007, 07:25 AM
That is a good idea as well, for those who are already involved. :) I know at first I was talking about a need for that stream, but this idea is more about networking and fishing for the people we need to launch this campaign...

12-17-2007, 07:28 AM
haha lets exploit the MLM model to replicate RP across the entire globe.