View Full Version : Why I Like Ron Paul

12-17-2007, 03:47 AM
I just wanted to get all my thoughts down on paper:

The United States of America’s economic situation is in a crisis – the value of the dollar is falling drastically, which means our money is worth so much less than before. We have a debt of 9 trillion dollars, and to pay off the debt and interest – guess what – they come directly from the taxes that we, the American people, (eventually) have to pay.

How is this possible? Answer: The Iraq War. It’s driving our nation into bankruptcy. We are in Iraq, spending hundreds of billions of dollars per year, losing thousands of lives and causing violence and strife among the religious factions in Iraq. Most of the Iraqis hate us over there. And so we need our troops to be back home – because they are risking their lives for a war that should have never been fought in the first place, and because keeping them there is costing US, the American people, a fortune…

There is only one candidate, out of all the candidates from both parties, who wants our troops out immediately. Not only that, he knows – and understands fully well – that as a President, your job is not to “spread” democracy around the world by use of force, it is not to have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe, for no reason, and it is not to create bureaucratic programs like the Department of Homeland Security, huge, mindless, inefficient programs that also sucks up billions of taxpayers dollars every year.

Many people think that all this money spent on security, the army, and even the Patriot Act (which allows the police to listen to your private conversations) is making us safer. But it’s not. Terrorists don’t just attack us because they hate us. They attack us because we’ve been controlling their homeland, the Middle East, ever since World War I. We split up nations and overthrow governments over there, intervening and messing around with their homeland when they don’t want us there. If they were over here, messing around with our affairs, wouldn’t we be pissed off to no end?

President Bush and Dick Cheney used 9/11 as an opportunity to assume tyranny over the US, propagandizing that the terrorists are going to attack us, that we should go to war with Iran, that the Iraq catastrophe is necessary. They limit our freedoms, cause a complete catastrophe in the economy, and somehow, we – and our parents – are still paying for their amazingly moronic activities with huge taxes of up to 40%! What in the world are we paying for??

There is only one candidate who can solve this problem, and guess what – he has an actual, realistic answer! Dr. Ron Paul studied economics for many years, and now believes that a sound monetary policy is the only way we can get out of debt, and realizes that our country was overspending itself both overseas and domestically. Here’s Dr. Paul’s solution:
1. Pull our troops immediately from Iraq, as well as all the other countries in the world our troops are stationed in – they don’t want us there, we never had a reason to be there in the first place, and we’d save billions of dollars doing so.
2. Eradicate the wasteful Departments of Homeland Security, the Federal Reserve, and the hundreds of other wasteful Federal programs that serve special interest lobbying groups that basically steal money from our national budget. And you know where our national budget comes from…
3. Eliminate income taxes (the largest one) and other unfair taxes once and for all. Once we stop policing the world and wasting money on bureaucracies, we don’t need to pay all these major taxes.

I strongly dislike the ‘smooth-talking’ of the other politicians, that somehow, we can win the war in Iraq, be in debt 9 trillion dollars, keep thousands of money-draining troops stationed around the world, and still lower taxes. This is what’s going to end up happening: Taxes will remain the same, or even go higher, while our government continues to print paper money out of thin air, and paying our expenses with borrowed money – guess what – more and more debt.

The thing is, we have forgotten what the federal government is supposed to do, as required by the Constitution. Our president and government is committing treason on the Constitution: we are going to war without a declaration of war, we are limiting our rights of freedom in order to have more “security,” and we’re slowly heading towards a two-party aristocracy: where whatever the party in power in Washington believes, the rest of the country has to follow? Even if the majority of people in your state disagree??

The power to decide our individual issues, such as abortion, sexual orientation, and education needs to be returned back to the states, back to the people, not Washington DC. Bush’s No Child Left Behind program is utterly hated by schools in most states – it basically provides more money to schools that can show “test results” of improvement, whereas the schools who need the money most, but do not meet these requirements because their kids are not at that level yet, are left behind.

Dr. Ron Paul is a 10 term Republican Congressman from Texas, also an obstetrics/ gynecology doctor who has delivered over 4,000 babies(!), and served in the Air Force for 5 years. He has been a champion of the Constitution, has voted against every single bill passed in Congress that is not authorized by the Constitution, including of course the Iraq War and the Patriot Act. He returns a portion of his salary to the treasury each year, refusing to participate in a lucrative congressional pension program.

Last month, Dr. Paul raised an online record of $4.3 million from donations in one day. He receives the most donations from active military members, proving that the Iraq War is not going as well as Bush and his gang want us to believe and keep paying for. Today, he’s already getting donations of over 4 million dollars, his fourth quarter donations are over 15 million (and by the end of today, definitely more) more than any other Republican candidate so far!

So I’ve told you a lot about Ron Paul, and why I like him. The mainstream media hates him though – they refuse to cover his campaign, they ignore many polls showing overwhelming support for Ron Paul (instead focusing on polls showing him at low %s), and they frequently try to make him look like a crazy extremist who has no chance of winning.

Thanks for reading =)