View Full Version : The campaign has raised over 50% more than its goal

12-17-2007, 12:21 AM
...with over two weeks left in the quarter. I think 20 million is pretty much in the bag (of course, counting money spent on independent efforts like the blimp and the USA Today ad, it's actually much, much more).

Now the focus is getting out the vote, especially in the early states. I can't vote myself, because I am not registered Republican and the deadline in NY has already passed. I spent all yesterday at a Christmas party, mingling around (especially with people I know are Republican), and "casually" turning the conversation to politics and, of course, Ron Paul. It's difficult. Most have on vaguely heard of him at best, wonder why the "news" doesn't talk about him if he means anything, etc. But that's why doing well in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire is SO important to increasing name recognition and changing the "can't win" perception. From my personal experience, that is our greatest enemy. I ever bumped into one person from Alaska on the Internet, who said he'll probably vote for Paul now, because he was so high in that Alaska poll. So many will only vote for you, or even pay attention to you, if they think you can actually win (the MSM most especially).