View Full Version : FBI Coordinated Raids on Trump Supporters

09-10-2022, 12:05 PM
Tucker Carlson and Harmeet Dhillon discuss the subpoenas issued to Trump allies. (https://rumble.com/v1jg0jl-tucker-carlson-and-harmeet-dhillon-discuss-the-subpoenas-issued-to-trump-al.html)


Tucker Carlson and Harmeet Dhillon discuss the motivation behind the numerous subpoenas and search warrants issued by the FBI to Trump allies over the past few days

09-10-2022, 02:02 PM
All normal procedure, nothing to see here

09-10-2022, 02:39 PM
All normal procedure, nothing to see here

They'll find those lost nuclear codes if they have to search the underwear drawers of every MAGA Fascist-Republican in America. And for the more famous MAGA Republicans, a frog march in front of the media will also be standard procedure.

Anti Globalist
09-10-2022, 09:32 PM
Next they'll be raiding the homes of people who defend Trump while remaining neutral towards him.

Anti Federalist
09-11-2022, 04:08 AM
The round up of political prisoners continues...anybody gonna do anything about it?

Yeah, thought so...

Working Poor
09-11-2022, 05:13 AM
The round up of political prisoners continues...anybody gonna do anything about it?

Yeah, thought so...

My friend what do you recommend that we do ? I am open to suggestion.

Anti Federalist
09-11-2022, 06:12 AM
My friend what do you recommend that we do ? I am open to suggestion.

Start Committees of Safety and Committees of Correspondence in your community.

Pound home the idea that the time has come to fight or die.

Ideally, I'd join with folks that storm these political prisons like the Bastille.

I have no perfect answer, all I know is continuing what we are doing now will lead to defeat.

09-13-2022, 01:22 PM

09-13-2022, 09:17 PM
Mike Lindell RAIDED by FBI: His Instant Reaction Video (https://rumble.com/v1jzjpr-mike-lindell-raided-by-fbi-his-instant-reaction-video.html)


09-13-2022, 10:11 PM
Mike Lindell RAIDED by FBI: His Instant Reaction Video (https://rumble.com/v1jzjpr-mike-lindell-raided-by-fbi-his-instant-reaction-video.html)


Fucking A, don't they have anything better to do than go after the mypillow guy?

Rhetorical question of course..

"don't tell anybody" lol good for him for at least sticking that to the man

Occam's Banana
09-13-2022, 10:51 PM
Mike Lindell RAIDED by FBI: His Instant Reaction Video (https://rumble.com/v1jzjpr-mike-lindell-raided-by-fbi-his-instant-reaction-video.html)


09-14-2022, 11:45 AM
This seems like a witch hunt.

09-14-2022, 12:21 PM
This seems like a witch hunt.

It seems like the witches are doing the hunting these days.

09-14-2022, 02:02 PM

09-14-2022, 02:07 PM
Ron and Daniel discuss this at the 15:17 mark:


09-14-2022, 02:10 PM
Sonny Tufts could you pls come here and reassure everyone that this is all perfectly legitimate and ordinary? thanks!!

Occam's Banana
09-14-2022, 03:29 PM
@Sonny Tufts (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/member.php?u=41772) could you pls come here and reassure everyone that this is all perfectly legitimate and ordinary? thanks!!

Why should he even need to?

How could anyone but deluded paranoiacs possibly arrive at the notion that any of this is not "all perfectly legitimate and ordinary"?

There is no evidence that Merrick Garland, et al. are anything other than selfless public servants who are dedicated to the rigorous but neutral application of the law, and who are unmotivated by any political concern or interest other than merely doing their jobs to the best of their abilities as allowed for under the law.

Occam's Banana
09-14-2022, 03:31 PM
Why should he even need to?

How could anyone but deluded paranoiacs possibly arrive at the notion that any of this is not "all perfectly legitimate and ordinary"?

There is no evidence that Merrick Garland, et al. are anything other than selfless public servants who are dedicated to the rigorous but neutral application of the law, and who are unmotivated by any political concern or interest other than merely doing their jobs to the best of their abilities as allowed for under the law.

Also, judges - federal judges - have signed off on it and stuff, so that makes it legit and totally on the up-and-up.

Because ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ .

And ███████████████████████████████████████████.

Also, █████████████████████████████████████████████ .

It's so transparent what all you skeptics and other partisan hacks are trying to do here, so just stop spreading all this FUD.

09-14-2022, 03:38 PM
Also, judges - federal judges - have signed off on it and stuff, so that makes it legit and totally on the up-and-up.

Because ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ .

And ███████████████████████████████████████████.

Also, █████████████████████████████████████████████ .

It's so transparent what all you doubters and skeptics are trying to do here, so just stop spreading all this FUD.

I feel better already :up:

Occam's Banana
09-14-2022, 03:44 PM

09-14-2022, 04:02 PM

Look, they are wearing masks. They must be democrats.

09-14-2022, 04:07 PM
Most of you historically ignorant people on this forum are probably unaware, but before the bronze age, hordes of pillow warriors descended on horseback from the asiatic steppes and terrorized the early Persian and Greek civilizations. Their skills at pillow fighting was unmatched in the ancient world. We can not let the pillow man reawaken. Millions of his pillow weapons are in the hand of citizens awaiting the call of the Qanon Shaman..
Ignore it and we will lay awake in fear that a pillow will crash upon our heads wielded in the savage hands of a pillow assassin. Garland knows what's at stake.

Anti Globalist
09-14-2022, 08:51 PM
This seems like a witch hunt.
As if everything regarding Trump the past few years hasn't been a witch hunt.

Sonny Tufts
09-15-2022, 07:08 AM
Why should he even need to?

How could anyone but deluded paranoiacs possibly arrive at the notion that any of this is not "all perfectly legitimate and ordinary"?

There is no evidence that Merrick Garland, et al. are anything other than selfless public servants who are dedicated to the rigorous but neutral application of the law, and who are unmotivated by any political concern or interest other than merely doing their jobs to the best of their abilities as allowed for under the law.

I have no idea what the DOJ is after or what information it already has that may have prompted the subpoenas, and neither does anyone else on this site. But that doesn't stop some folks from creating an irrebuttable presumption that it's all political and that Trump and his supporters are squeaky clean patriotic citizens who would never dream of doing something like overturning the election, submitting phony slates of electors, or storming the Capitol.

09-15-2022, 07:23 AM
I have no idea what the DOJ is after or what information it already has that may have prompted the subpoenas, and neither does anyone else on this site. But that doesn't stop some folks from creating an irrebuttable presumption that it's all political and that Trump and his supporters are squeaky clean patriotic citizens who would never dream of doing something like overturning the election, submitting phony slates of electors, or storming the Capitol.

Also doesn't seem to stop other folks from creating an irrebuttable assumption that the DOJ are all squeaky clean public servants who would never dream of doing things like suppressing facts, spreading lies or entrapment.


But neither my innuendos nor yours are getting anyone one inch closer to the truth. They are just plausible deniability games.

09-15-2022, 08:24 AM
I have no idea what the DOJ is after or what information it already has that may have prompted the subpoenas, and neither does anyone else on this site. But that doesn't stop some folks from creating an irrebuttable presumption that it's all political and that Trump and his supporters are squeaky clean patriotic citizens who would never dream of doing something like overturning the election, submitting phony slates of electors, or storming the Capitol.

Sonny is right. Mike Lindell might actually be Russian KGB and that's where he got the "pillow guy" nickname, for that was his weapon of choice for silently killing his targets.

We can't prove that it's not true, so it might be true. You never know.

Occam's Banana
09-15-2022, 09:49 AM
How could anyone but deluded paranoiacs possibly arrive at the notion that any of this is not "all perfectly legitimate and ordinary"?

There is no evidence that Merrick Garland, et al. are anything other than selfless public servants who are dedicated to the rigorous but neutral application of the law, and who are unmotivated by any political concern or interest other than merely doing their jobs to the best of their abilities as allowed for under the law.

I have no idea what the DOJ is after or what information it already has that may have prompted the subpoenas, and neither does anyone else on this site. But that doesn't stop some folks from creating an irrebuttable presumption that it's all political [...]

I know, right? It's just a damn shame! I mean, where do people even get such crazy ideas, anyway? :confused:

[...] and that Trump and his supporters are squeaky clean patriotic citizens who would never dream of doing something like overturning the election, submitting phony slates of electors, or storming the Capitol.

If one thinks Biden and his cronies are politically motivated, then it follows that one also thinks Trump and his cronies are "squeaky clean patriotic citizens".



09-15-2022, 10:29 AM

So true. That summarizes quite well any politics discussions I've had with my family over the past few years.

Sonny Tufts
09-15-2022, 10:59 AM
I know, right? It's just a damn shame! I mean, where do people even get such crazy ideas, anyway? :confused:

Maybe you missed the part where I referred to those who think it's ALL political. Those who create an irrebuttable presumption (I hope you know what that is) that it's purely political have convinced themselves that under no circumstances will there ever be evidence of criminal activity sufficient to bring charges against Trump and/or some of his supporters, so there's no legitimate reason to even have an investigation. They simply cannot conceive that there might be some fire where there's smoke. It's like some of those who went ballistic when the search warrant was executed at Mar-a-Lago -- without any knowledge of what was in the affidavit supporting the warrant, they were convinced that it was a political ploy, totally devoid of any legitimacy.

There are others who may not go that far but who have ignored or played down the seriousness of Trump's efforts to get Pence to throw out certified electors and of the submission of phony slates of electors by some of his supporters. One wonders how they would feel if these efforts had been made by pro-Democrat people (e.g. what if Vice President Biden had thrown out electors in January 2017, resulting in Clinton's election?).

If one thinks Biden and his cronies are politically motivated, then it follows that one also thinks Trump and his cronies are "squeaky clean patriotic citizens".


Which isn't what I said.

09-15-2022, 02:09 PM
Team Biden has made it very clear. If you are against their administration or policies then you are an extremist that needs to go.

09-15-2022, 02:43 PM

Sonny, honestly, there is no point in arguing. You aren't going to change anybody's minds here, and we're certainly not going to change yours.

As I've said previously, we live in 2 extremely different realities. Can you just accept, that you live in your reality, and we live in ours?

It's the only productive way to move forward.

Occam's Banana
09-16-2022, 04:28 PM
Maybe you missed the part where I referred to those who think it's ALL political. Those who create an irrebuttable presumption (I hope you know what that is) that it's purely political have convinced themselves that under no circumstances will there ever be evidence of criminal activity sufficient to bring charges against Trump and/or some of his supporters, so there's no legitimate reason to even have an investigation. They simply cannot conceive that there might be some fire where there's smoke. It's like some of those who went ballistic when the search warrant was executed at Mar-a-Lago -- without any knowledge of what was in the affidavit supporting the warrant, they were convinced that it was a political ploy, totally devoid of any legitimacy.

There are others who may not go that far but who have ignored or played down the seriousness of Trump's efforts to get Pence to throw out certified electors and of the submission of phony slates of electors by some of his supporters. One wonders how they would feel if these efforts had been made by pro-Democrat people (e.g. what if Vice President Biden had thrown out electors in January 2017, resulting in Clinton's election?).

Which isn't what I said.


"One screen, two movies."


09-21-2022, 03:59 PM
Lindell: We cannot let the FBI be weaponized against the people (https://rumble.com/v1kzjvz-lindell-we-cannot-let-the-fbi-be-weaponized-against-the-people.html)


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell described the details of the FBI’s raid against him in a Hardee’s drive-thru to One America’s Daniel Baldwin.

10-03-2022, 11:02 AM
Mike Lindell RAIDED by FBI: His Instant Reaction Video (https://rumble.com/v1jzjpr-mike-lindell-raided-by-fbi-his-instant-reaction-video.html)

Just as Mike Lindell is not one to pass up a marketing opportunity, neither is Hardee's