View Full Version : How many have been out sign waving

12-15-2007, 04:40 PM
Let's hear about it. Today for me 25k (+/-) cars.
Had 2 dozen strong supporters, one thumbs down
and thousands of looks. I kept thinking to myself,
you will remember this Sunday and/or Monday. ;)

12-15-2007, 04:44 PM
Making the video now. ALOT OF HONKS, every week theres more and more. I would say about 10K cars.

12-15-2007, 04:46 PM
My group is going sign waving tomorrow.

Should be fun.

I'd be out putting up signs but it's raining hard right now. :(

12-15-2007, 04:47 PM
My group is going sign waving tomorrow.

Should be fun.

I'd be out putting up signs but it's raining hard right now. :(

As to not sound lame: the signs I'm going to place out are only weather resistant on one side.

12-15-2007, 04:47 PM
I preformed my Saturday sign waving duty with my groups as usual.

12-15-2007, 04:48 PM
In Lancaster PA, the local meetup group had 15-20 people waving signs viewed by at least 10k cars off a busy highway exit for the area's largest shopping mall. I took some video and hope to have something on YouTube tonight after work, before I fall asleep.

12-15-2007, 04:49 PM
We went to a Farmer's Market where we could hand out slim jims and talk to people about their hot issues. A great time was had by all. :)

12-15-2007, 04:52 PM
Haven't been able to get out at all today for the big sign waving events here in San Diego, but i'll be going to a local rock show tonight at SDSU and plan on bringing a bunch of ron paul liberty cards with me and hope to get a some of those kids to donate tomorrow and vote for the good DR.

Ron Paulin' and rockin' yeeeahh!

12-15-2007, 04:55 PM
We waved signs in Boone, NC yesterday!

12-15-2007, 04:59 PM
Is anyone handing out Slim Jims? At some point, we have to go beyond sign-waving, don't we? A sign doesn't tell them anything about Paul's position on the issues.

12-15-2007, 05:01 PM
We're on for tonight at 9:30pm downtown Syracuse, NY. Gonna hit the pubs afterwards. Big snow blizard coming, we're gonna be so snowed in, over a foot tonight.

Its gonna be great!

12-15-2007, 05:01 PM
We had about ten of us out in the traffic yesterday at rush hour for about an hour and a half. Tons of traffic.

Today we had a group meet in the Marietta Square (home of the Rudy rally) and waved and passed out Founding Fathers flyers and other lit. Got rained on, but pressed on.

Tomorrow we'll be out there waving/slimjimming for thousands of cars going to a major mall here. It's gonna be cold for Atlanta tomorrow, but we'll do it anyway.

We always get lots of honks and waves.

Some advice: Look for traffic backed up at lights. NO RIGHT TURN LANES. People in right turn lanes are driving and you could be a major distraction. Search out those precious spots with no turn lanes. You'll be happy you did.

Also, don't just stand there limply with your sign. Stand holding it up over your head, with boldness! And don't just hold your sign, WAVE and SMILE at the oncoming traffic.

Remember, signwaving is an INTERACTIVE SPORT, and it should be FUN!

12-15-2007, 05:20 PM
We had 2 dozen people from surrounding groups do a sign waving in Clifton Park in upstate NY. Tons of traffic. Lots of honks, thumbs up, and waving. many confused looks, and only occasional Hillary shouts (which is surprising since we are deep in Giulliani territory).

Big Success.