View Full Version : Ron Paul in Turkish

12-15-2007, 09:59 AM
In the spirit of the thread on the Swedish article on Ron Paul I did a short search in Turkish and turned up this one from November 22:



Cumhuriyetçi aday yılın erkeği seçildi
Republican candidate selected as man of the year

Dünyanın en çok satan erkek dergilerinden GQ, her yıl olduğu gibi 2007'de de yılın erkeğini seçti.
GQ, one of the most sold men's magazines in the wold, has chosen its men of the year for 2007 as well as it does every year.

Birincilik ipiniyse önümüzdeki yılki başkanlık seçimlerine Cumhuriyetçi Parti'den aday adayı olan Ron Paul (72) göğüsledi.
(this sentence might be a bit iffy so don't quote it) Ron Paul (72) will be the candidate for the Republican Party in the upcoming elections if he wins.

Paul'u Tom Hanks, Daniel Craig ve Casey Affleck gibi oyuncular izledi.
Paul follows such actors as Tom Hanks, Daniel Craig and Casey Affleck.

Dergi, Paul için "İşkence, sorumsuz harcamalar ve savaşlardan uzak kalarak partinin sessiz çoğunluğuna adım attı" ifadesini kullandı.
The magazine wrote the following for Paul: "He has tapped into his party's silent minority, one that won't abide torture, reckless spending, or endless war."

(the last sentence is a direct quote from GQ since there's no point in translating an already translated sentence back into the first language)

12-15-2007, 10:24 AM
Yeah, Turkish!