View Full Version : New Jersey cannabis legalization will be on 2020 ballot

12-16-2019, 06:14 PM
New Jersey Lawmakers Vote To Put Marijuana Legalization On State’s 2020 Ballot

Kyle Jaeger
December 16, 2019

New Jersey lawmakers approved a resolution on Monday that will put a referendum on legalizing marijuana on the state’s 2020 ballot.

The Senate voted 24-16 in favor of the measure, with the Assembly following by a margin of 49-24—supermajority support that means lawmakers will not have to vote on the measure again next year, which is required for such resolutions if they are only approved by a simple majority.

The votes come days after committees in both chambers held hearings on the issue, with testimony from advocates, stakeholders and opponents.

“We’re optimistic that next November New Jersey voters will replace an eight-decade-long policy disaster with a far more sensible approach to marijuana,” Karen O’Keefe, state policies director for the Marijuana Policy Project, told Marijuana Moment.


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Anti Globalist
12-16-2019, 06:15 PM
Can we get this on the ballot in all 50 states?

12-17-2019, 07:39 AM
This is really just the lawmakers covering their asses. The governor ran on a platform of legalizing pot and won. Then both parties did everything they could to make passing the bill unacceptable to both parties. But the people want it passed, so now they can just put it to the voters and hold up their hands saying it isn't their fault. It will pass easily, but then will take years to actually put in place as everybody positions themselves to try to control the market and find their own teats.

12-17-2019, 12:39 PM
Great news...

12-17-2019, 01:16 PM
Everything should just be deemed illegal. Easier and cheaper that way.

12-17-2019, 08:50 PM
This is really just the lawmakers covering their asses. The governor ran on a platform of legalizing pot and won. Then both parties did everything they could to make passing the bill unacceptable to both parties. But the people want it passed, so now they can just put it to the voters and hold up their hands saying it isn't their fault. It will pass easily, but then will take years to actually put in place as everybody positions themselves to try to control the market and find their own teats.

Can you imagine how long it will take a NJ legislature to split the profits ?