View Full Version : Freedom is an inherent right you must -take- for yourself every day of your life

11-07-2019, 02:41 AM
A fine commentary by Mr. Smith.


For each person that defies collectivists and totalitarians, even at the risk of their own life, the shadow is held back another day. This is what matters, and this is what the survival purists don't get. You have to make yourself WORTHY of surviving, by standing for principles and values that are bigger than you are. Otherwise you're not worth a damn to anyone, even yourself.

As for the notion of the impossible mountain; the lone rebel taking on a vast globalist army...this is not a delusional fantasy and these people are not alone. There are millions of us out there, getting ready and forming pockets of resistance. In the meantime we fight the information war, because the globalist's most powerful weapon is not a tank or even a nuclear bomb, it's propaganda. The ability to turn a population in on itself and cause it to self destruct is far more dangerous than any technological advancement or military marvel.
more at link

TJ said something about attending to the inconveniences of too much liberty than attending to conveniences of too little...