View Full Version : My Republican Candidate has more friends than your Republican Candidate

07-03-2007, 11:45 AM
Hi Everyone,

Ron Paul has finally accumulated more friends than John McCain on MySpace. 7/3/2007 - 12:45 PM (CST)

Ron Paul - 39852
John McCain - 38660
Mitt Romney - 27669
Sam Brownback - 9884
Duncan Hunter - 5970
Thommy Thompson - 5514
Mike Huckabee - 3259
Tom Tacredo - 3075
Jim Gilmore - 2088
Rudy Giuliani - ???

07-03-2007, 11:47 AM
Liberty is popular. But she'd be way more popular if we gave her an emo haircut and a nice self-pity mp3 in the background.

07-03-2007, 11:58 AM
Yeah Ron's got the most friends on Facebook and has the largest Facebook group out of all the GOP candidates.

Kinda hard to compete with Obama though...

07-03-2007, 12:10 PM
As long as we're having fun with statistics though, I did some calculations last week (so they may have changed slightly), but Dr. Paul has more requests on Eventful than all of the other GOP candidates (including Fred) combined - TIMES TEN. And then some.

07-03-2007, 12:10 PM
Yeah Ron's got the most friends on Facebook and has the largest Facebook group out of all the GOP candidates.

Kinda hard to compete with Obama though...

Not important to compete with Obama...yet. The key thing is the primary nod. I think getting the primary vote will be the largest obstacle in the race for presidency for Ron Paul. In a one on one debate with any candidate, Paul will own them.

07-03-2007, 12:24 PM
Moving on up. Go Ron!

07-03-2007, 01:40 PM
Cool, and I'm not even on myspace or facebook--yet

Bradley in DC
07-03-2007, 01:47 PM
You guys crack me up. Viva la rELOVultion!

07-03-2007, 01:49 PM
What is it with people and Obama? What's the attraction anyway? I don't get it.

07-03-2007, 01:50 PM
Not only does our candidate have more friends, but he has also kissed more babies .

07-03-2007, 02:02 PM
Dr. Paul needs to start competing with Obama in major cities and he needs to start doing it NOW.

Take Chicago for example. The rest of the state votes conservative and GOP... Chicago ALWAYS votes for the "anti-establishment" candidate. This time the way it has been worked (and don't say they didn't have this planned from the beginning) - Chicago has a "rock star" senator from Illinois who also happens to be a minority... people in Chicago literally don't even have to think about who they are voting for anymore - he has potentially everything they desire in a candidate.

McCain was pretty much the "other" option for those who consider themselves Republican but don't want someone as hardcore party-line. These are the same people that don't want to "waste" a vote by voting 3rd party, or so-called "2nd tier." But they are flexible. McCains drop in findraising is directly correllated to Paul's increase. They know that. And it will keep going until the Republican party is basically Rudy vs. Ron Paul for the primary.

Obama is the same choice for the Democrats - the ones who don't want to vote for a strictly hardcore party-line Democrat that Hillary is. I'm still convinced Obama is eventually going to go the VP route, but John Edwards could possibly team up with him to challenge Hillary. So you have to consider those two at the same time i think.

Basically - the people who are voting the "lesser" of two evils apply to the primary choices. And THIS is where Ron Paul can truly make an impact - by crossing party lines and stealing away voters from 3rd party candidates AND democrats. If he can do this, he doesn't even have to concern himself with competing with the GOP. He will win because he will get an influx of voters that the GOP did not account for, and has little sway over. Ron Paul NEEDS to go after Obama's people, and he needs to do it in enough time to make a difference.

I'm still convinced that the people of Chicago will vote for Ron Paul if the can't escape from his message and the fact that a side-by-side comparison is a blowout for Paul. 90% of people who think a vote for Obama means a vote to bring the troops home need to be shown how that is NOT the case at all.

I'd personally love for Ron Paul to organize a peace festival in Grant Park in Chicago - musicians and such, the whole hippy route goes over really well there. And then surprise everyone with the message that Ron Paul truly is for bringing the troops home - NOT keeping them all over the world, waiting for another "crisis" soon to come.

07-03-2007, 02:29 PM
What is it with people and Obama? What's the attraction anyway? I don't get it.

He's Got Oprah Winfrey backing him and she's pumping him up on her show....

We all know how popular Oprah is and how much cash she has....

07-03-2007, 02:34 PM
What is it with people and Obama? What's the attraction anyway? I don't get it.

To be fair,
I think the appeal of Obama's message is pretty clear. Obama is preaching the hope of the greatness that America can become. That's very inspiring on it's surface. Ron Paul on the other hand is preaching that our greatness is a by-product of our liberties and freedom.

Our country was founded as a "Great experiment". I think it's more beneficial to determine, in addition to greatness, the other by-products of that experiment. (self determination, self responsibility, opportunity, charity, humility, etc)

07-03-2007, 02:36 PM
Not important to compete with Obama...yet. The key thing is the primary nod. I think getting the primary vote will be the largest obstacle in the race for presidency for Ron Paul. In a one on one debate with any candidate, Paul will own them.

Yeah, putting him up against the Democrats is going to be ... just plain unfair. He's going to embarrass them, bad.