View Full Version : How to be a Ron Paul supporter: Please Add to the List

Pimpin Turtle Dot Com
12-14-2007, 12:28 AM
How to be a Ron Paul supporter:

Before anything, learn the issues. Go to www.ronpaul2008.com. If you don't know the issues, then nothing else matters. Be a savvy debater online and offline

1. Join your local MeetUp and get active.

2. Donate to the campaign as often as possible, preferably this up-coming Sunday, Dec. 16th... this will be the biggest day in political fundraising history... I guarantee it...

3. Get flyers for free from the campaign website and hand out to everyone you know.

4. organize a sign-waving event at a major intersection of your choosing. Even if it just you, it is still very effective.

5. Come on the Congressman Ron Paul for President Facebook group page as often as possible and "discuss" whatever you want.

6. Go on www.DailyPaul.com as often as possible and "discuss" things.

7. Go on RonPaulForums.com.

8. This site is great for all local and national RP news and brand new videos - http://futurewithronpaul.blogspot.com/

9. Can't think of anything else at the moment...

Good luck and welcome to the revolution,


P.S. Don't forget to be a part of history this Sunday, the 16th. Donate whatever you can, even if it is just 5 bucks...

P.S.S. Ron Paul will be our next president...
