View Full Version : The Long Sought-After Principle That Unites All Americans Finally Found

Anti Federalist
04-04-2019, 07:52 PM
The Long Sought-After Principle That Unites All Americans Finally Found


by Baruch Pletner April 4, 2019

I think it’s fair to say that there has been a degree of disquiet in America lately. A creeping suspicion that America may not even be a country anymore, that there is no such thing as an American nation, an American people, an American person, or even an American citizen. After all, if a person from thousands of miles away, just by moving his physical presence into a territory that on maps is defined as that of the United States of America immediately becomes American, it means that the entire human race are Americans who simply have yet to show up on American territory.

This should hardly be a cause for concern; just give them time.

There is simply no issue, no matter how fundamental that those Americans who are already in America can agree on. Freedom of speech? No. Of assembly? No. The right to keep firearms? Heck, no. The language in which government business should be conducted? No. The right, by those already in America, to determine who may come there next? Not even close. The method by which presidents are elected? No. Who should have the right to vote in elections? No. The boundaries between the three branches of government? What branches? Who built America? No. Are the people who we thought had built her any good? Depends whom you ask. Should people be advanced on merit? You got to be kidding me. Should women who complain about sexual harassment be believed? Depends who they claim did the harassing.

None of these issues enjoys the support of a clear majority of “Americans” one way or the other. With that in mind, one could be, perhaps, rather pessimistic as to “America” retaining its status as any kind of unified political entity. But it turns out that should you be so inclined, you would be wrong! There is one thing that the vast majority of “Americans”, regardless if they came here across the frozen Bering Straits, or in chains across the Atlantic, on the Mayflower, or on a makeshift raft across the Rio Grande, can agree on.


That’s all folks. America is saved. We know what it means to be an American. An American is a person who believes that he cannot be denied healthcare insurance, or offered a limited healthcare insurance policy, based on his pre-existing medical conditions. From president Trump to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, from West Virginia to the Bronx, all “Americans” adhere to this foundational principle. Now you may say that this is because some “Americans” are misled. Because some of them do not understand that denying private insurers the ability to limit exposure is tantamount to a full government takeover of the healthcare business in America. You would be wrong. The vast majority of Americans perfectly understand this point.

It is true that roughly half of them prefer to be lied to by the Republican Party and by President Trump and told that the Tooth Faerie and Santa Claus are real and that insurance companies that are told by the government how to conduct their business are “private businesses”. The other half simply cherish the government’s take over of yet another part of the American economy. When he and she share a pint of Haagen Dazs, she may sneak a peak at the calorie label and feel a twinge of regret. But he is tucking away and so is she. At this point, what difference does it make?

According to a recent poll, the only generation of Americans of whom less than 40% thought that the government should play a bigger role in helping individual Americans was the WWII “Silent Generation”, soon to pass from this world. With Boomers it was about half and with Millennials and “Z-ers”, closer to three quarters. This is no coincidence, because the Silent Generation was the last generation of Americans. After them came people who happen to live in America either by accident of birth or by choice, whether their own or their parents’. Perhaps reading these lines makes you angry. Fine. But remember this: every government check you get, every government regulation that you like, that you personally rely on, cannot but come at the expense of the rights and freedoms enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no free lunch. There is no loving government checks that you cash and hating those that are cashed by others. There is no liberty in the shadow of big government and big government is everywhere. It is in the food labels and in OSHA regulations, in Social Security and in 911 service. Big government isn’t evil, though it most certainly can be. Ever since civilization began, most people lived under big governments. Today, we all do. There was a brief period, a couple of centuries perhaps, when a few mostly English speaking people enjoyed limited government and personal liberty. That period is long since gone.

What is unique about this where America is concerned is only one thing, but it is a biggie. Alone in all of history, America is a nation and a political entity that was born out of the negation of a big and invasive government. The American revolt against Britain was done with only one purpose and only one reason: to ensure that individual freedom always remained the supreme principle of the land and that no government could ever infringe on it. To be American was to subscribe to that principle. Many didn’t and their descendants now live in Canada and still pledge their allegiance to the British Monarch.

What we are seeing now is that the foundational principle upon which America the country and America as a nation was built is no longer upheld by the vast majority of Americans. That means that America the constitutional republic is dead and its transformation to a quasi-democratic oligarchy is all but complete. There is no point in grieving, what is done is done. Let us not, however, pretend that the past can be restored, let us be honest with ourselves: most of us don’t want it to be.

Working Poor
04-05-2019, 06:11 AM
I think all insurance should be abolished.

04-05-2019, 06:40 AM
I think all insurance should be abolished.

well it is gambling...replace it with charity!

Working Poor
04-06-2019, 07:00 AM
well it is gambling...replace it with charity!
Insurance doesn't need to be replaced it needs to be ignored. It would change the economy if every single person would chose not to pay insurance for even one month. But, that would be power and currency going to the people nobody wants that. People want to be ruled. Insurance is the ultimate example that people don't want to be free. The slaves have bought and paid for their chains and they will go to any lengths to keep them.

Anti Federalist
04-06-2019, 12:54 PM

04-06-2019, 06:16 PM

Medicaid for all within 10-12 yrs. Once Trump is out of office the pendulum swings and the Jacobins take power. Everything the progressives are talking about now will come to fruition under the progressive that replaces Trump in 2020 or 2024.

04-06-2019, 06:17 PM
Medicaid for all within 10-12 yrs. Once Trump is out of office the pendulum swings and the Jacobins take power. Everything the progressives are talking about now will come to fruition under the progressive that replaces Trump in 2020 or 2024.

Maybe not.

04-06-2019, 06:19 PM

Maybe not.

Mark me. It's gonna happen. Get your ducks in a row now. If we are still here in 10-12 yrs. I believe I'll be saying "told you so."

04-06-2019, 06:20 PM
Mark me. It's gonna happen. Get your ducks in a row now.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

04-06-2019, 06:26 PM
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first. By 2024 there will be another 15 million inculcated voters. Thoroughly brainwashed in socialist ideology. And in that time conservatives will be dying off. Can't really calculate the statistics for that, but it doesn't really matter. It's a losing sum game.

04-06-2019, 06:28 PM
I thought diversity was the fundamental uniting concept of America. That's what we fought the British for.

04-06-2019, 06:37 PM
Hope in one hand and $#@! in the other and see which fills up first. By 2024 there will be another 15 million inculcated voters. Thoroughly brainwashed in socialist ideology. And in that time conservatives will be dying off. Can't really calculate the statistics for that, but it doesn't really matter. It's a losing sum game.
You never know what might happen.

04-06-2019, 06:47 PM
You never know what might happen.

Unless it's with immigrants. Then you absolutely know exactly what will happen.

04-06-2019, 06:50 PM
Unless it's with immigrants. Then you absolutely know exactly what will happen.
You know enough to not take a bad bet, we can't choose to throw out Americans the way we can choose to keep immigrants out so we must fight and hope.
In the right circumstance we may be forced to throw out Americans or have the opportunity to separate from them, I support both options in those circumstances just as I support keeping immigrants out.

04-07-2019, 02:53 AM
Marxism is founded on the Oppressor vs Oppressed. What we have today is clearly a form of Marxism, where they manufacture victims left and right. It seems the real goal is to get the people to try to overthrow their own government, but that only succeeds in leaving an empty hole that someone else can install a Dictator in place of real freedom. And they all seem to be working very hard to divide the people against both each other and the remnants of a once free form of government.

There are multiple objectives in order to achieve that goal. One of those goals is to absolve themselves of their own responsibility in the problems they cause. That plays directly into the Hegalian Dialectic. Problem Reaction Solution. Many are aware of those that purposefully cause the problems. People expectedly become angry, and call for Govt to issue a Solution; a Solution which only benefits those that manufactured the problems to begin with. Then, whom ever takes the throne in the aftermath can more easily play the part of the Hero. History is not written by the defeated, but rather by the victors who always paint themselves out to be Heroes.

Every Freedom is lost by cries of necessity; the necessity for government to take more control of the situation, and they most certainly happily oblige the quivering masses.