View Full Version : Pentagon signs directive to implement transgender military ban

03-13-2019, 04:42 PM
The Pentagon announced Tuesday that a directive has been signed to implement President Trump (https://thehill.com/people/donald-trump)'s policy barring most transgender people from serving in the military.
Under the policy, transgender people who join after it takes effect will have to serve in the gender they were assigned at birth. Service secretaries will be allowed to grant waivers on a case-by-case basis.
The policy will go into effect in 30 days, according to the memo signed by acting Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist.

The policy will grandfather in currently serving transgender troops or anyone who has already signed an enlistment contract, allowing them to continue serving openly.
But after April 12, people diagnosed with gender dysphoria will not be able to serve unless a doctor certifies they have been stable in their biological sex for 36 months, have not transitioned to the gender they identify with and are willing to serve in their biological sex.
If they are diagnosed after they join the military, they have to continue serving in their biological sex.
Troops diagnosed with gender dysphoria can be discharged if they are “unable or unwilling to adhere to all applicable standards, including the standards associated with their biological sex,” the memo says.

More at: https://thehill.com/policy/defense/433788-pentagon-signs-directive-to-implement-transgender-military-ban