View Full Version : Your Favorite President Invites You to A Party

02-24-2019, 05:35 PM
Um- don't they do this every year on July 4th? Trump played golf the two previous 4th of July since becoming president. Now he wants a party- with himself as guest speaker.


It will be a parade or maybe not a parade. A gathering? Maybe on the 4th. Or that weekend perhaps. Who knows? But they are working on it!


"We're thinking about doing, on the 4th of July or thereabouts, a parade, a 'Salute to America' parade. I guess it'd be really more of a gathering than a parade. Perhaps at the Lincoln Memorial. We're looking at sites. But we're thinking about doing something that would, perhaps, become a tradition," he said.

Maybe a party every 4th of July? It could happen! Why hasn't anybody else thought of doing this?

His tweet comes as he is getting ready to go to Vietnam to get his picture taken with dictator Kim Jong Un- of whom Trump said:

During the interview, the subject of Trump’s recent Singapore summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un arose. “He’s the head of a country. And I mean, he is the strong head,” Trump remarked. “Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

A recent story by the Washington Post reported that, at one point, while watching state-run North Korean television, Trump praised how positive the female North Korean news anchor was toward Kim. “He joked that even the administration-friendly Fox News was not as lavish in its praise as the state TV anchor,” the article states.


So America, come this Fourth of July, get out there and sit up at attention and salute your leader! Maybe it could became an annual thing!