View Full Version : Fake News? How About No News?

Anti Federalist
01-10-2019, 03:40 PM
Fake News? How About No News?


By eric - January 9, 2019

Trump gets flak for characterizing the mainstream press as purveyors of Fake News. But what about no news at all?

Isn’t lack of coverage even worse than biased coverage?

Well, how much news have you heard or read about the gilets jaunes – or “yellow vest” – protests in France? CNN hasn’t got anything on its main page today (Jan. 9). Neither did NBC or CBS. Lots of the usual – endless – carpet-chewing coverage of Trump, though. And also of such important stories as “Want to Pay off Your Mortgage? Try Frugal Minimalism.”

You might think France, a major western European country, coming unglued – and on the verge of its government outright banning “unauthorized” criticism of its actions – might at least be . . . well, news.

Instead, nothing.

Which is very interesting, given what the yellow vests are protesting. This being chiefly the purposely punitive taxes on fuel – diesel especially – imposed by the French President, Emmanuel Macron. In the name of “climate change” – but really in the name of squeezing average Frenchmen (and women) out of their cars. These taxes – already extortionate and brutally regressive – were on track to increase the cost of a gallon of fuel to more than $7.

This brought the French not to their knees – but to the streets. The yellow vests – which are reflective jackets every French motorist is required by law to keep in their vehicle, to be worn in the event of an emergency – were donned for a different kind of emergency.

And Macron buckled. The tax hike has been rescinded. But did you read about it?

Probably not – unless you went out of your way to look for it. Mainstream press coverage of this effective protest has been as scanty as its coverage of the reason for the yellow vest protests – which by the way continue, notwithstanding Macron’s retreat.

The reason being that Macron has not retreated in principle from resurrecting the tax, once the protests are well in hand. He hasn’t abandoned the “climate change” excuse for the tax; indeed, he is as adamant as ever that energy austerity be imposed. Well, on the French people.

Not on him and those in his class.

The yellow vests know this, which is why they haven’t gone home yet.

Macron made the great tactical mistake of pushing the people of France too hard, too soon.

And the American press doesn’t want you to know about it.

Nor – apparently – about the latest news out of France, which is that Macron’s government has floated the idea of a new law criminalizing “unauthorized” demonstrations of, well, anything the French government happens not to like its citizens protesting.

Macron’s Prime Minister, Eduouard Philippe, characterizes such citizens as “troublemakers” – a species of word very much of the same species as “climate change” in that both are conveniently vague as well as conveniently defined to be whatever the user wishes them to be.

Big snowstorm? Climate change!

Criticize the government? You are a troublemaker!

French citizens are already being arrested for less – merely for wearing a yellow vest. “Those who question our institutions will not have the last word,” Philippe declared. Mark that. It will be enough, in France, to question our institutions to be subject to arrest, prosecution and caging.

Which means, questioning the policies of the government – including those related to the “climate change” religion. Which brings us full circle to the absence of coverage of these events.

The government of this country is in the process of enacting similar laws, just not too soon and not as hard. We are on the slower-motion plan, and because of this far more strategic approach to gradually getting the American cattle to accept the transition from being free range cattle to feedlot cattle, the American cattle are – unlike the French – generally oblivious.

Most Americans haven’t noticed, as a for-instance, that while gas prices haven’t gone up, the cost of the cars they put gas into has – and not because of new features they want but because of impositions made by the government. Examples include the sudden appearance of ASS in most new cars. Automatic Stop/Start – a system which turns off the engine whenever the car isn’t moving, in order to fractionally increase individual car mileage for the sake of increasing so-called “corporate” (or fleet) averages, which is necessary because of government fuel efficiency fatwas – which end up being just the same as a tax except on the car, not the fuel.

Because either way, you still pay.

This is subtler, and so smarter – from the standpoint of the people holding the proverbial cattle prod.

The fuel economy fatwas are also forcing mass-production of electric cars, which cars cost tens of thousands of dollars more than otherwise comparable non-electric cars. This amounts to an even more extortionate and regressive tax on mobility – which is pure genius, relative to Macron’s hamfisted (because obvious) direct tax on motor fuels.

But you didn’t read about that here.

01-10-2019, 04:28 PM
The news of the day shall be decided for you.

Anti Federalist
01-10-2019, 05:28 PM
Macron Govt: Yellow Vests Have Destroyed 60 Percent of France’s Speed Cameras


10 Jan 2019

Emmanuel Macron’s interior minister has revealed that Yellow Vest protesters have destroyed 60 per cent of France’s speed cameras.

“Nearly 60 per cent of the radars today have been neutralised, attacked, destroyed” by the anti-globalist movement Christophe Castaner railed, disparaging the anti-globalist movement as “imbeciles”.

“I saw on social networks some idiots appear next to burned radars… I do not wish them to face tomorrow the reality of a death on the road,” he seethed, vowing “resolute action” by the Gendarmes — France’s paramilitary police force.

Many Yellow Vests, whose protests grew from an objection to a “green” tax on fuel — now abandoned — which was seen as falling disproportionately on the non-metropolitan working class, see the country’s thousands of speed cameras as part of a “racket” designed to generate extra revenue for the state rather than preserving life, especially since the speed limit was dropped to 50 miles per hour on many roads in 2018.

They did indeed raise over a billion euros in fines in 2017, according to the Court of Auditors, and were expected to raise significantly more in 2019.

Most are disabled with paint, tape, or other coverings rather than by burning, but Castaner is adamant that they are “fools, unconscious, inconsequential, when they think that a trophy, a victory, would be to burn a radar”.

The Macron government is expecting another round of large-scale protests by the Yellow Vests over the coming weekend, with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe confirming 80,000 police and gendarmes will be deployed on Saturday, including 5,000 in the capital of Paris.

“This daily violence which is carried out by these extremists… we fear, we anticipate and we will punish,” Castaner vowed.

01-10-2019, 07:52 PM
Not much of a chomsky fan, but he does make a pretty good point here:


01-10-2019, 09:15 PM
Not much of a chomsky fan, but he does make a pretty good point here:


The Index Card of Allowable Opinion - Tom Woods

Anti Federalist
01-10-2019, 09:48 PM
The Index Card of Allowable Opinion - Tom Woods

"Get the fuck out of my country, go fuck off right back to where you came from, go fix that shithole first. I'm tired of your non stop whining, bitching and moaning! Oh, and take your goddamn offspring with you!"

Not Allowed Opinion.