View Full Version : Scams are overwhelming the US asylum system

07-05-2018, 03:21 AM
People hoping to settle in the United States wait years for a green card to be legal residents. They play by the rules. Yet these law-abiding newcomers must feel like idiots, watching what’s happening on the southern border.
Hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants are walking right in. They’re not waiting in line. They’re using “asylum” requests as their E-ZPass. Just 12 percent of requests from El Salvadorans, 11 percent from Guatemalans and 7.5 percent from Hondurans are actually granted, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Never mind, the request gets them in the door.
It’s a shameful distortion of a program intended to provide a haven for true victims of state-sponsored religious, ethnic and political persecution. The United States offered asylum to Hungarian anti-Communists after their uprising was crushed by the Soviets in 1956; to Cubans fleeing Castro’s prisons; to Vietnamese after the fall of Saigon in 1975; to Chinese political dissidents escaping the crackdown after Tiananmen Square in 1989; and, more recently, to Chinese Christians and Muslims threatened for practicing their religion.
That’s not what’s happening on the southern border. There, migrants walk up to a border agent with a familiar story. Women typically plead they’re victims of an abusive boyfriend or husband, and men claim they’re escaping gang violence. They’re detained briefly, but many are then released into the United States and given a date for an asylum hearing.
Being granted asylum means hitting the jackpot. Asylees get access to the Refugee Cash Assistance program, including medical care, a housing allowance and hundreds of dollars a month in cash. In contrast, immigrants who go the green-card route are ineligible for most benefits for years.
Half of those who use asylum as their excuse for crossing the border never even file a claim or show up at a hearing. They’re also winners. After all, they made it inside, unlike the East Asian waiting 12 years to enter as a legal worker.

More at: https://nypost.com/2018/07/04/scams-are-overwhelming-the-us-asylum-system/

07-05-2018, 03:32 AM
Being granted asylum means hitting the jackpot.

Not exactly a "jackpot". And as OP notes:

Just 12 percent of requests from El Salvadorans, 11 percent from Guatemalans and 7.5 percent from Hondurans are actually granted,

Refugee Cash Assistance program


What it is:
The Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Program helps refugees by providing cash and medical assistance (Refugee Medical Assistance program) during their first eight months in the U.S.

Who is eligible:
Persons who entered the United States with an immigration status that allows them to receive refugee benefits are eligible for RCA and RMA benefits as long as they meet other eligibility requirements.

Eligible immigration statuses are:

Conditional Entrant,
Cuban-Haitian entrant,
Certified as a victim of trafficking and their eligible family members;
Special Immigrant from Iraq or Afghanistan and their eligible family members.

Income and Resource Requirements:
To be eligible for the RCA program you must have resources of less than $1,000. Certain resources, such as the first $5,000 of equity in a vehicle, are exempt.

How it works:
If you are a family of two eligible for RCA, you will get $420 if you have no income. If one or both of you are working, we count half of your earnings against your grant. If you are a family of two, once you earn over $839 per month, you would no longer receive RCA. You will continue to receive RMA for the rest of your first eight months in the U.S.

If you are getting unearned income, such as gift cards, or gambling winnings, or ongoing payments from your VOLAG agency, we count this income dollar for dollar against your grant. If you are a family of two, once you started receiving $420 per month in unearned income you would no longer receive RCA.

How many "hundreds of thousands" are granted asylum per year?


How Many People Are Granted Asylum?

In FY 2016, the most recent year with available data, 20,455 individuals were granted asylum: 11,729 affirmatively and 8,726 defensively (Figure 1). Total annual asylum grants averaged 23,669 between FY 2007 and FY 2016.



It takes on average about three years for an asylum case to be processed.

07-05-2018, 03:45 AM
Get rid of the free stuff, and the border problem disappears instantly.

07-05-2018, 03:48 AM
Get rid of the free stuff, and the border problem disappears instantly.

Decreases maybe but it won't disappear, we must secure the border as well.

07-05-2018, 04:47 AM
Get rid of the free stuff, and the border problem disappears instantly.

I am too dumb to exist but listen to me!:cool: