View Full Version : Missed Senate Votes

07-02-2007, 07:40 AM
I've seen some people use this as ammo against the Good Doctor...saying he's not responsible to show up for the votes in the House.


07-02-2007, 07:42 AM
I've seen some people use this as ammo against the Good Doctor...saying he's not responsible to show up for the votes in the Senate.


Well maybe because he isn't in the senate :) I forget, but I think there is a good reason for the missed votes.

07-02-2007, 07:48 AM
Perhaps because he is campaigning?

Just throwing that out there =P

07-02-2007, 08:18 AM
If someone is looking for a reason to not support based on voting record, then I'm not sure anything anyone says would make any difference.

I do however, recall an article talking about Ron Paul and his nickname "Dr. No". In that interview, Ron Paul said something along the lines that sometimes, when he's just voting no anyway, he concedes to the Republican party by just saying "no vote". I can't verify if he was physically there or not for the missed votes, but I would like to find out why he does have a somewhat high number of "missed" votes.

07-02-2007, 08:22 AM
JaylieWow, yup, I saw that too. Off the top of my head, I think it was in the George Will article about him.

07-02-2007, 11:42 AM
This explanation is probably why...

Naturally he opposes almost everything Congress does. The physician cum congressman earned the nickname “Dr. No” early on. His opposition to what he considers unconstitutional spending even earned the grudging respect of GOP leaders. When Newt Gingrich cracked the whip on party members to support a messy budget compromise, he excused Paul from the duty to support the budget, and the “Ron Paul exemption” entered the congressional vocabulary. What did it take for other members to earn this privilege to buck the party? A voting record that opposed all unnecessary federal spending, even in their home district. No one else has been granted the exemption.